Needle Point

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In southern Ikebukaro, the usual Dog and Cat chase went down between Dakota, and whatever perv or thug felt like picking on her that day. But there wasn't much of a chase this time...

Dakota wasn't seen much in the past three weeks, except for every few days, when she would just take a walk around her turf. She was attracting unwanted attention by those who knew her. Dakota was unknowingly watched as she turned the corner of a building to take a short cut through the paths the gridded buildings made.

Taking their chance, a few thugs who had been waiting for an opportunity moved their way across the street, and followed down through the same intersecting paths. They knew these streets just as well as Dakota. One went around the other side through a nearby shortcut, while two stayed and followed right behind Dakota.

The one who went around came into view and was obviously walking toward her. Dakota slowly stopped walking and started walking backwards hesitantly, as she reached her right hand to her back pocket for her knife. She could so take this one guy, definitely out run him! But no, as she backed up pulling out her knife, she was ambushed by the other two guys who quickly pounced.

Pinning her to the cold brick wall, and chuckling to their success, the one in the black hoodie took her knife.

"Hey sweet cheeks, where ya been?"

Dakota didn't reply as the other thug in a blue jacket took her bag and went through it as the other two held her in place. The guy in the black hoodie pressed his arm to her neck.

"Think you could just go missing, huh?... Cmon Cat, you always have the perfect thing to say, does now not count!?" He pressed harder while Dakota struggled to break free.

"Not much in here." Stated the one in the blue jacket. The third one who was helping hold Dakota in place, looked as his friend in black.

"What's in it?" Spoke the thug slowly cutting of Dakota's oxygen.

"Just another pocket knife, and a black hoodie... And two wallets, both empty."

"Huh?.. Where's the stash, Cat?"

"I don't have it with me." She spoke with the mans arm still to her throat and a slight smirk, but then he pressed harder.

"I think someone needs to teach you a lesson, pussy-cat." And he flipped open the knife he had taken from Dakota. She spit in his face, and he hit her hard in the stomach. Dakota slid down the wall in pain as the guy in black wiped his face. The other two stood her back up.

"Fucking Bitch!" The man in black said ready to teach the stray a lesson.

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