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"Say what." 

"Well I have to make sure you don't talk, of course!" 

"We've only known each other for four and a half days! Izaya, this is so sudden! Please excuse me as I swoon to death..." Stated Dakota sarcastically as Izaya smirked, and the two walked down the street. Dakota's mind was knee deep in thought.

"You already got that green shirted chick with you dude, you ain't pimpin' me out too." Izaya laughed a little. 

"Namie? She doesn't live with me, she's only there during the day. Just like you, she's in a tight spot." And it seems Izaya is too.

"Well sorry If I think your a pedophile, I have trust issues."

Izaya smirked. Interesting human. A human that knows a little to much, but he'll work it to his advantage, just like she probably will. She would probably only be at his place at night. Of course he needs to analyze his new toy, the more she's around him the better.

It stopped raining on their way to Izaya's, so Dakota through her hood down with her left arm, forgetting the gash. She winced slightly and put her hand back in her pocket.

"What happened?" Izaya asked with a stupid smile as he gestured to her bandaged arm.


"Sounds fun, What kind if stuff?" 

"Payback stuff." 

"Care to share?" 

"Care to shut up?" She asked nicely. 

He just smiled.

" I got a lot of people pissed off, and going through my stuff and taking my shit doesn't help to defend myself, you know." 

"Well, you took my jacket." 

"Thanks for warning me about what was in the pockets by the way, real nice surprise there." 

Izaya just smiled to himself.

"I noticed you didn't take anything." 

"Didn't cross my mind till after I left. I should have. For once Ikebukaro's Alley Cat didn't steal."

"Hmm, that title suits you." 

"Glad to know you think so too, now back to this whole living arrangement, if I refuse?" Izaya shrugged.

"You have people who walk into your place everyday looking for something. If I just randomly disappear, why, all my friends will come looking for me. At least one is bound to come to you. And if they walk in, and I'm just standing there.." She reasoned.

"I'm sure you'd think of something." Izaya smirked.

"Yeah whatever." She rolled her eyes. 

She thought about how weird this whole situation was and was going to get.

--The Next Day--

Izaya walked out of his room and down the stairs. He swung around the ending bar and walked a few feet toward his desk and notice Dakota sitting on the couch, staring at his board game with a determined look. He smirked and through himself in his spin chair.

"You didn't mess with my game, did you?" He asked as he logged on the Dollars website. 

"No.. Just looking." And she glanced over to see what he was doing. A second later she pounced on the back of his chair and gazed over his shoulder at what he was doing.

"So this is how you stir up trouble, and as a girl to? Tsk Tsk Izaya, I thought you were better than that." She shook her head. She dragged herself off his chair and walked slowly around his desk.

"Tell me, were you up all night?" 

"Of course! I'm up every night, its a habit. I tried, really, I did, but I couldn't get to sleep." She whined.

"So what did you do all night?" 

"Let's see. I went through your fridge. Snuck out, came back, took a look at your little friend for about three seconds, got creeped out. Went on your computer, Trolled some people, creeped them out. Spun around in your chair, and you caught me when I was in the middle of a staring contest with your board here."  

She gestures to his game board. 

"Are you in the Dollars, Ms.Misora?" 

"Of course, who's account do you think I went on? Not many people are online at six in the morning sadly.." 

"... Mind telling me your name?" 

"Naaah, your smart, you'll figure it out all by your big boy self."

She smiled as she sat on the couch and started going through her bag. No one was online for Izaya to have fun with, so he logged off after five minutes of waiting.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Dakota asked as she stood up and pulled her black hoodie on. Izaya laughed as she sat down and put her jacket into her bag. "She's not my girlfriend, Ms.Misora, I assure you that."

"Fine, where's your mom than, Mr.Orihara?" 

"She's not my mom either, she's just my assistant who's also a terrible excuse for a housewife- But a housewife none the less." Izaya smiled with closed eyes and spun around slowly in his chair. 

"Sounds fascinating, I can tell you two love each other very much." 

"Namie doesn't feel that way, and neither do I. I love all humans, I can't love just one." He smirked as he stopped his chair.

"Aww, Shizuo too?"  

"Every one, except for Shizu-Chan." 

"Yeah 'cause that explains your and Shizu-Chan's little love races around the city~ Get married why dontcha?" 

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but me and the protozoan aren't like that." 

"A few of us disagree... Some of us, to a larger extent..." She said, thinking of her wonderful friend Erika.

"Well if I recall, you ran around with Shizu-Chan for a good half hour. And you consider all that to be out of love?"

"Yeaah, nooo..." She smiled. 

And Namie walked in.

"Good morning!" Izaya called, and she rolled her eyes than looked at me.

"Namie this is Dakota Misora, and she will be staying here for awhile." 

"What up." She nodded at Namie with a smirk.

"... Oh great, now there's two of you?"

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