No Fun

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So they both brushed it off, like the kiss never happened. Dakota was up to doing more frequent and risky things for Izaya. Just like the times before, she acted like she never got jumped and her ego when out on the street returned to the cocky way it always was. Dakota would do the things Izaya didn't have time for, or meetings he couldn't make because he was somewhere else, or caught up with Shizuo, or just didn't feel like doing.

And he'd smirk when she'd drag herself into the apartment and stand up against the door. Panting, Tired, Smirking, Glaring. Every scratch, cut, bruise and drop of blood. He loved seeing it.

He loved seeing his pet.

But one day, Izayas little kitty didn't come home. And he sat there turning slowly in his chair, gazing at the door, bored, as he flipped his phone open and closed. And he waited for his cat to drag herself in, but the door didn't open, the carpet wasn't stained, the door didn't slam, no one complained, or glared, or smirked, or bled.

And Izaya was more bored than concerned. Waiting was boring. He looked at the clock. It was getting late. She should definitely have been back by now-Maybe she was busy with her own things? That would be a reason for her not being here, but just incase, Izaya made a call to Shinra.

Hadn't seen her.

Well this was no fun.

Now it was really late. Maybe she decided to stay out? She would have called. Maybe.

Izaya decided to just go to bed. He locked the door and went to his room.


When Izaya got up and checked his phone, he had a text. 'You up?' Received at three in the morning.

Of course he wasn't up at a time like that! Dakota should know that. He got up and quickly poked his head into the living room -No Dakota? Whatever. Izaya got in the shower, got dressed, and strutted out of his room.

And She just magically appeared.. Sprawled out on the couch was his pet, who was definitely not there earlier.

"Sup?" Chimed Dakota while she stared up at the ceiling.

"I don't know, you tell me. I assume you picked the lock?"

"Shouldn't have locked the door."


"And where were you hiding just now?"

Dakota pointed toward the kitchen. "So what kept you out all night?" Izaya asked as he walked over to his desk and threw himself in his computer chair. He slowly turned back and forth waiting for Dakota to reply.

After a long pause, Dakota shrugged.

Izaya couldn't tell exactly, but for a second he was able to see a mark on his pets neck, but from where he was sitting, he couldn't tell if it was a cut or a bruise. Now he took the time to analyze Dakota. She was wearing her sleevless white jacket, and a black wife beater, showing off a long scratch on her right arm, and another mark or two on her right. She had on a pair of black jeans, ripped at the the on her left leg, and at her knee on the right one. Izaya smirked a little.

"Oh, Here..." Dakota rolled off the couch and walked over to Izaya. She tossed a few rolled up bills onto his desk and pointed to them. "Those are yours." She went to turn and walk away before Izaya grabbed her wrist and proceded to examine her arm.

"... Izaya, what are you doing?" 

"Admiring my work." 

"... You know you had nothing to do with those, right?"  

"Hm?" Izaya let go. 

Dakota swung her jacket off and twirled around. "None of this was your work."
"Oh?.. Well, who was it then?"

Dakota hesitated a second.

"... No one, I just gotta start watching where I'm going." 

And she turned to make her exit once again. 

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