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I watched JJ walk over to me, his facial expression indicated he was annoyed or pissed off. I adjust myself on the pull out couch. It felt like he took forever to get over to me but when he did, he leaned down in my face with the same expression as a second ago.

"You really think we had a chance?" His words confused me but hurt me either way. "What?"

"You get jealous of all these girls—because you think I want you?"

"What the hell are you talking about? I know you don't want me!" My words felt slurred but I wasn't drunk or high. I felt like I was in a video game that hasn't been rendered yet. JJ's facial expression turned extremely pissed off as he leaned closer to me which made me backup instinctively. "I hate you—you're nothing but issues on top of issues. You're a fuck up!" I literally felt my heartbreak and unexpectedly, a tear rolled down my cheek. "You're crying?," I was turned away from him at this point so JJ grabbed my face tightly in one hand, squishing my cheeks so hard my teeth were cutting into them. Against my own wishes—tears roll down my cheeks even more and I close my eyes tightly. "I fucking hate you!" My breathing hitched, it wasn't JJ's voice anymore, it was Weston's. I hesitate to even open my eyes. I want to puke and get his hands off of me. I open one eye and see one of his piercing into mine.

When I scream, it's silent.

I launch up with heavy breaths trying to get the image of Weston out of my head. It was just a nightmare—one I was hoping not to have. It's extremely dark but I still know I'm in The Chateau on the pull out couch. I groan and swing my feet over. The last thing I remember is falling asleep in the van after the fight with JJ. Is JJ here? Let's hope his ass stays asleep. I reach for the lamp stand and find my phone on it.

"Fuck—" I curse as the bright screen of my phone blinds me.


The lock screen behind the photo of the group made me turn my phone off, not wanting to look at JJ and I standing together. Who took me into the house anyway? I run my hands over my face and start to walk to the bathroom when the wood creaks. Goddamnit.

I wince and I hear a groan from the pull out couch. Was I asleep next to one of them this whole time—

"Kie?" I whisper. "It's Pope," His voice is hoarse as he just woke up as well. "I'm sorry—I didn't mean to wake you." I walk closer to the bathroom now trying to make out Pope in the pitch black room. I couldn't even see a chair that I know is in front of me.

"Actually, you groaning in your sleep is what woke me up. You okay?" I smile at him even though he can't see it. "Yeah, just a nightmare," I grab my phone and turn on the flash to see where Pope is so I could now just go to him. We both curse at the bright light. "Hi," Pope says with his hand on his eyes to block the light. I make my way over and sit next to him on the couch again. "Wanna talk about it?"

I'm always one for talking about my dreams—I always found mine and other people's dreams or nightmares so interesting. The way they see things when they sleep even if there's no deeper meaning is always cool. I just don't know if I want to mention this nightmare. A shiver runs down my spine as I remember it. I could almost feel Weston's hand on my face, cutting my cheeks with my own teeth. "It was about JJ—I think his words are just fucking with me."

I wasn't lying, they are fucking with me. I knew they were going to as soon as he said them. "Is JJ here?" I ask. "Yeah, he's in John B's room. We couldn't find Kie and she didn't answer her phone."

"She's been—weird lately. She'll hang out and then dip for days. Maybe it's because of Bailey."

Kie was always the one that kept us in line—maybe she was getting tired of that role. I felt bad but at the same time my abandonment issues are trying to convince me she will leave us—she'll leave me. "Bailey wasn't even at the party tonight. I have no idea who she ran off with," He shrugged his shoulders,"Anyway, don't let his words screw with you like that. He was drunk and—"

NICKNAMES [1], jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now