Chapter 1: Felucia

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As he trudged through the wet forest, Mardox spoke angrily into his helmet, almost yelling. "You've told me a million times the sonic-hyperdrive isn't working, but I need you to fix it!" He continued through the Felucian terrain, slashing and hacking through the undergrowth as R6-K9 beeped back at him. "If it isn't done by the time I get back, you'll be scrap for the new cannons!" R6 whimpered and whistled. "Why aren't I jet-booting to the ship? Well, one, it gives you more time to fix the sonic-hyperdrive, and second, MY JET-BOOTS ARE OUT OF FUEL." "Bee-wee oop! Wee-" R6 was cut short when Mardox deactivated his comlink. He continued on. -ONE HOUR LATER- Mardox finally emerged into a small clearing, where the Avalanche was waiting for him. Well, not exactly 'waiting'. More like, being piloted by R6 fighting off a squad of stormtroopers that had found the ship while on patrol. Mardox sprang forward drawing his sword and activating the energy film around the blade. He landed in front of the stormtrooper ranks, sweeping the blade horizontally, cutting down the front row. He then whipped out his EEE-4 blaster rifle, turned the dial to :RAPID FIRE: and squeezed the trigger. He swept the gun back and forth, each smooth motion taking out a phalanx of stormtroopers. Mardox returned the EEE-4 to its magnetic clip on his back and sheathed his sword, dashing towards the Avalanche while it lowered to ground. The ship only hovered a few feet above the tropical soil as Mardox leapt up onto the wing and made his way to the cockpit. He turned a dial, slid a lever into the down position, pulled back on the throttle, and sailed the Avalanche up into the air and out of the humid atmosphere of Felucia. He cruised for a few minutes before finally stopping to prepare the sonic-hyperdrive. At that moment, he saw a flash of light and an Imperial Star Destroyer come out of hyper-space and start deploying TIE fighters.

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