Chapter 28: Corridor Chaos

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Going into the hangar, they found many weapons and lots of useful trinkets. They looted the place. Ezra was covered in armour, Kanan's pockets were stuffed with grenades, Sabine had found two small drones bristling with guns and was quickly programming them, whereas Zeb was carrying what looked like a cross between a chaingun and a flamethrower. Satisfied, the crew walked on. They traveled through many grey corridors until they came down a large corridor to find a large, white cube in the middle of the hallway. Everyone looked puzzled and exchanged confused glances with each other. Ezra kicked the box. Suddenly, the cube shuddered, the top corner unfolded into a mechanical arm covered in armour plates. The hand curled into a fist and punched Ezra across the hall. He shot down the corridor and collided with the wall, his armour clattering off of him. Sabine threw her drones in the air and went to help Ezra. The drones hovered in the air and began firing at the cube. The thick white armour simply absorbed the blasts. Zeb shifted the weight of his large weapon, the 'Chain-thrower', he had dubbed it, and pulled the trigger. It gave out a puff of smoke. Zeb frowned, and pulled the trigger again. More smoke. He tapped it with his knuckles and it fell apart in his hands, leaving only the handle he was holding. He swore, dropped the handle, and drew his Bo-rifle. Meanwhile, the box was unfolding. The other corner unfolded into another armoured arm. The two arms held up the bottom of the box, and the base unfolded into armoured legs. An armoured head unfolded from the space between the shoulder pads. It had one, glowing red eye in the centre of the head. Mardox drew his sword and charged at it. He brought his blade down on the mechanical arm. There was a flash of light, and Mardox hit the wall, smoking. His sword clattered along the metal floor. After that, all hell broke loose. Sabine's drones were smashed to pieces by a hulking hand. Zeb kept on striking the armour, to no avail. Kanan was swinging his saber, shooting his blaster, and throwing grenades with the Force. Sabine and Ezra had rejoined the fight. Sabine was sticking bombs to the sentry, which were doing more damage to them than the robot. Ezra was, well, knocked out again. Lucas and Mardox were swinging at the legs of the robot. But Foxtrot found its weakness. He deployed the critters once more. They swarmed up the sentry's arm and found a chink in the armour at the shoulder. They poured in between the armour. They disappeared. The rebels kept fighting the sentry.
"I AM TOBOR!" bellowed the robot. Suddenly, its arm began to smoke and spark. The limb's aggressive movements sputtered to a stop. The arm blew off the shoulder in a violent explosion. Critters lay everywhere on the floor and poured out of the arm. They raced back into the shoulder of Tobor. The battle was quick after that. The critters rushed through the sentry, blowing off limbs and eating wires as the crew watched. They put their weapons away. Someone roused Ezra. Finally, the red eye went out, and the robot collapsed to the floor. Mardox stepped gingerly around the mechanical corpse.
"Well? Come on!"

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