Chapter 16: Cantina Talk

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Luke sprinted to the cantina, and stumbled in the door, only to find Mardox standing in front of him.
"H-how did you that?" Luke asked. Mardox calmly replied,
"Oh, just a little something I like to call the TTM."
"What's that?"
"A story for another time. Now, you said you'd tell us about the Imperial Compound."
The crew of the Ghost dashed into the cantina, and then Kanan came puffing behind. He bent over, one hand on his knee, the other up in the air, as if to say, 'Wait.' He panted for about ten seconds, then stood up straight and said,
"So? What's up? Did this kid tell us any-" Kanan was interrupted by a young man with brown hair and a gun strapped to his side being dragged out of the cantina by two Gammoreans, yelling, "No! Come on! You can't do this to me! Tell Jabba I'll pay him! You'll rue the day you crossed Han Solo! Tell Jabba he's a-" One of the Gammoreans punched him, and he fell unconscious. Mardox continued as if nothing was happening.
"Luke said he'd tell us what he knew."
"Yeah, but can we trust him?" Ezra asked.
"Let's get a table so we're not overheard." Luke added.
The seven people walked to a booth at the back of the cantina, where a Rodian was gathering credits off the table, mumbling something in Rodian about 'Greedo'. The seven sat as the Rodian left.
"So. Luke. Tell us. What do you know?" Mardox asked, laying his hands on the table. Luke was sitting between Ezra and Sabine. He put his arms around them, Sabine leaning away from the confident boy, and he began to speak.
"I've lived here my whole life. That place is only about two years old. As soon as they built it, they started taking people into custody for no apparent reason. They said it was 'security measures', but that's a load of bantha dung, and everyone knows it. They took my friend Roan a week ago, and I've been wanting to get him out, but I don't have the equipment. I know that that's basically a prison. Once again, they called it a 'supply and trade compound', but once again, bantha dung. There's pretty low security, and there's a back door that's virtually unguarded. And if you want to break into the place, I'll be happy to come. And there's also a credit vault, so we could raid that. I've heard rumours that there's over a million credits in there, so if we split it, that'd be enough to buy my uncle a new moisture vapourator, with cash to spare!" Luke glanced down at his watch, and said, "Oh! I've gotta get back to the farm! I'll see you guys lunch tomorrow! Same place! Bye!" He said this as he was racing out the door, and he had just said "Bye!" as he sprinted out the door. They then heard a CRASH, and "OW!", then "Watch it, kid!" followed by a muffled, "Sorry Mr. Woods!"

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