Chapter 30: One Lost, One Found

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Ezra was shocked. His sister, Cameron, was a Sith Lord? How could that happen? Mardox, meanwhile, had gone and hotwired all the doors that the stormtroopers were emerging from. Lani was confused. Who was Cameron? Why was this boy calling her this? Ezra had begun talking like a madman.

"Cameron! It's me, Ezra! Your brother? Your best friend? Remember when we were two and we blew up Dad's speeder?" It pained Ezra to talk about his parents, but he did it for Cameron's sake. "And when we were six and you dumped meluron jam all over my head? Remember I gave you that stuffed lothcat when Mom and Dad sent you away? What about the time you ruined the Ghost's hyperdrive and locked yourself in the turret for two days? C'mon, it's me, Ezra!" And he pulled Lani into a hug, squeezing her tightly, sending her lightsaber clattering across the catwalk. The tighter he squeezed her, the more the yellow glow in her eyes faded, until they became the green they were meant to be. She was Cameron once more, and she hugged Ezra back as tight as ever until they were both lying on the catwalk gasping for breath.

"How did that happen?" Ezra asked.

"I don't know." Cameron replied. "I remember Darth Vader, and a buzzing in my head, and then everything went fuzzy."

"Force Mind-Control. Very rare. Only used by the most powerful of Jedi." Mardox said. "Now, Cameron, let's get out of here."

"Yeah. I want my normal clothes. But I'm keeping the saber." Cameron replied.

Mardox flicked her a small blue gem out of one of his pockets on his belt. "There you go. Switch the gems. Make sure you align it correctly."

They all started walking towards the door, which Kanan was already cutting through. He was almost done when they heard a young voice say,

"Not so fast." Large blast doors closed over the door Kanan was cutting. Everyone turned around to see Agent Callum. He drew his staff and activated it. Mardox drew his sword instantly and charged at him. But a long time before Mardox got to Callum and the fight could begin, Foxtrot ran up the bridge, and bit the staff in half. It exploded, sending Mardox sliding down one end of the catwalk, Foxtrot crashing into the door on the other side, and Callum could only hang off the edge of the bridge by his fingertips. As Mardox got up again, and Foxtrot trotted back to the crew, Ezra shot an energy bolt from his lightsaber at Callum. It struck his hand and jolted him, making him lose his grip. He tumbled down a long way until he finally landed on a conveyer belt far below. They left the chasm-like room, hearing only Callum's screams.

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