Chapter 17: The Plan

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The crew of the Ghost had gotten some dewback shakes and was waiting at the front door of the cantina. Suddenly, an X-34 landspeeder came rocketing down the main street, crashed into a rather popular and profitable hat stand, backed up to the front of the cantina, and the crew saw Luke, wearing a pair of sunglasses. He lifted them up off his eyes and winked at Sabine, who threw her empty dewback shake at him, knocking him into the footwell. He got out of the speeder, dusted himself off, and walked into the cantina. They sat at the same table as yesterday, and Luke spread a large blueprint on the table.
"I asked General Arnet Varik for these. I told him it was for a school project. He handed them right over. Anyways, this is a blueprint of the whole compound. As you can see, the main detention centre is here." Luke pointed to a large room in the middle of the paper. "The generator is right underneath of that. Then it's just a mine shaft down a hundred metres."
"Are there vents?" Mardox and Ezra asked simultaneously, then glared at each other.
"Yes. There is a vent at the back that leads to all of the rooms." Mardox spoke,
"Alright. I think I have a plan."
"How much of a plan?" Kanan asked.
"12%." This was an old joke between the two of them.
"Anyways," Mardox went back to the topic. "Luke, Ezra and Zeb go in the front and distract everyone. Sabine and I will get to the generator and get ready to blow the place sky-high. Kanan and Hera will sneak in the back door and free the prisoners. Once Kanera" "*chuckle*" "has freed the prisoners, they'll contact you and we'll all meet in the generator room." Mardox leaned back in his seat.
"Alright then. We'll do it tomorrow. Tatooine Rebels meeting #2 adjourned." Hera said. Luke got up, walked out of the cantina, and got into his speeder. He started the vehicle, and threw Sabine's dewback shake back into the cantina. Luke sped off, and the empty cup rolled across the floor and bumped against Kanan's foot.

Mardox: DesolateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon