Chapter 21: Don't let Ezra fly

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Mardox was unconscious, and therefore in no condition to drive. He was given Ezra's bunk to rest, and Ezra was tasked with flying the Avalanche back to Correlia.
"There are so many buttons!"
"Don't worry!" Kanan said, "Find the joystick!"
"There are three!"
"Ok, middle one."
"Got it. Now what?"
"I don't know, are there pedals? Look for something labeled 'thrust'."
"Ummmm.... Thrust! Found it! It's like a lever-thing." Ezra, being Ezra, pushed the lever all the way forward. The Avalanche jumped forward, and Ezra panicked. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!"
"Ezra! Ezra! Pull the lever back!" Kanan yelled while Hera was frantically trying to keep up with the young padawan. As she punched in an override code to send to R6, she said,
"I won't be letting him fly my ship anytime soon!" She hit SEND, and R6 received it, and took control of the ship. The Avalanche shuddered, and slowed to a stop.
"Hey! What happened? Did I break it?" Ezra inquired worriedly.
"No, you didn't break it, R6 has taken control of the ship. I don't know why someone didn't think of that before," Hera said as she glared at Kanan. Kanan shrugged. R6 whistled, and prepared the sonic-hyperdrive. Hera did the same. Just as the two ships jumped into this powerful dimension on the way to Correlia, Mardox's eyes opened.

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