Chapter 19: Sadness and Sobs

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Mardox activated the light on his helmet, clearing the darkness. They walked along a thin catwalk until they came to a large circular room with a chasm in the middle and a door on the other side. The crew started inching along the edge of the hole. Luke said,
"This is that mining shaft I told you about!" Once everyone was across, Mardox last, the door opened and a blue streak zapped past Mardox, sending him flying in the air. He landed on the edge of the shaft and almost fell, but he clung to the edge.

A young man materialized next to the door and pulled a lever they hadn't noticed before. Durasteel bars extended down in front of the crew, electrifying themselves and trapping them. Kanan rushed to the bars, seeing Mardox in danger. He was slipping. The young man spoke.
"You didn't see that coming?" He spoke with a strong Romanian accent. After no-one reacted he continued. "Name is Maximoff. I work for the Empire. Pays well. Room and board." He chuckled, then left through the door. Mardox clung to the edge, but the metal floor was smooth and he was sliding off. Kanan drew his lightsaber, ready to cut through the bars, but Mardox did something he had only done once before. Something he had done with Kanan many years ago. Something he only did in times of great peril. He let go of the edge with his right hand and whipped off his helmet. It fell into the shaft as everyone watched. Mardox had curly, half-blond hair, brown eyes, prominent cheekbones and an unforgettable face. Kanan had only seen that face once before. Mardox uttered a single word.
His left hand slipped, and Mardox plummeted into the darkness. Kanan seemed to freeze, watching the shaft. Everyone was silent for a moment, then Ezra came forward, tugged Kanan's arm, and gestured to the door. Kanan nodded, looked at the shaft for a few more seconds, and then he turned and filed out the door with everyone else. They came out to an empty Tatooine dune, and Kanan climbed to the top, kneeled, put his head in his hands and wept. Huge sobs heaved him and wracked his body. He was full of sadness. He had just lost his best friend. His only friend. Ezra climbed up the dune and put his arms around Kanan while everyone watched. Luke slunk away as Sabine took off her helmet and let it drop to the ground. She pulled out a detonator, wiped a tear off her cheek, and pressed a button. For a second, the whole group was silent except for Kanans sobs of misery. Then, the building behind them blew apart, covered in flames. Hera looked back, and thought they would never see Mardox again.

Mardox: Desolateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें