[Chapter 2 The Taisho Era?!]

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After lunch we walked around the museum and I followed Haru around as he tried to pick up girls then I got on the bus ride home after a long day.

I had gotten home an hour later then usual. I was starving. I opened the door and took my shoes off at the entrance when I noticed it was quiet and I walked to the kitchen. There was a note on the table. I picked it up and read it out loud.

"Went to get Grandpa his medication back soon, love Mama!❤️" I mumbled as I gave a light smile. My mom had a plate layed out for me and I ate it but after that I was bored. My thoughts kept on reminding me of the artifacts in the glass cases it seemed familiar in a way. I got up from the table and wandered behind the house.

A pretty large Dojo came into view; it was overgrown with vines and weeds. As I walked up to the door I tried to open it but it was pretty hard to open but once I did the inside looked pretty large. It was dusty and the wooden planks were lifting and chipping; some were even gone. The wooden roof seemed in the exact same condition as the floors but water was leaking in. On the wall there were names on a nafudakake (a nafudakake is where disciples of a dojo put their names) they all with my last name. It stopped off on I think my great great grandfather's name. What's funny is the first name at the top was the same as mine Tatsuya (Y/n) probably named after him. I walked further in and at the middle was a kamiza. It had a scroll with the Kanji Destroy written on it. Under the old tattered scroll were two blades propped up with a picture next to it. The framed picture was heavily faded and in black and white the face looked similar... to mine but it was dirty and scratched a bit. I could barely see it clearly from how old it was. I turned my head to the two blades propped up they were held on a wooden pedestal and placed to cross each other like an X.

I glided my hands over them in awe. Who knew such cool stuff was abandoned here? Maybe I should put this stuff in the museum. I walked to a dusty shoji door and opened it to see into the next room.

I stood completely still when I saw 10 faces staring back at me with shocked and confused faces. I recognized some of their clothing from the museum. There were two girls and eight boys with a somewhat uniform outfit. I turned white I quickly closed the shoji door, waited a minute and opened it again but this time I was grabbed quickly by the collar of my school uniform by a tall guy with white hair, red and green nails and a weird headband with a red makeup mark on his eye.

"Who are you boy?" The man asked in a harsh tone. At this point all weapons were drawn and pointed at me. I sweated nervously I didn't speak I instead looked at my surroundings there was a man in front of the people who were sitting: he was looking in my direction clueless. He had a somewhat rotten flesh going down his face, his eyes a pale purple, he had black hair and a black Yukata with a white haori that had pink flames that faded into a deep purple.

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