[chapter 4 the future]

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⚠️Warning Hiroshima and Nagasaki talking⚠️

"I'll do it master." A girl with black and purple hair got up and gracefully walked to the back pack and kneeled down grabbing the book she gave a porcelain smile and opened the book to a random page and started to read.

"Taisho period 1914-18 Japan joined allied forces In the First World War, but played only a minor role in fighting German colonial forces in East Asia. At the following Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Japan's proposal of amending a "racial equality clause" to the covenant of the League of Nations was rejected by the United States, Britain and Australia. After WW1, Japan's economic situation worsened. The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the world wide depression of 1929 intensified the crisis. In December 1941, Japan attacked the Allied powers at Pearl Harbor and several other points throughout the Pacific. Japan was able to expand her control over a large territory that expanded to the border of India in the West and New Guinea in the South within the following six months. On July 27, 1945, the Allied powers requested Japan in the Potsdam Declaration to surrender unconditionally, or destruction would continue. However, the military did not consider surrendering under such terms, partially even after US military forces dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, and the Soviet Union entered the war against Japan on August 8...." She hesitated reading the next part "In Hiroshima there were 66,000 dead 69,000 injured and 135,000 Casualties... Nagasaki there were 39,000 dead 25,000 injured 64,000.-" she turned for different pages but I cut her off.

"Ms. Don't read that part, it's very tragic, it's not the best part of history..." I said quietly, stopping my movements to get free. The room was very still, everyone just had a taste of a terrible part in history.

"Will all those people really die?" The girl Mitsuri asked with a frown, a hand covering her mouth in shock and sadness.

"Yes, do you maybe believe me now?" I asked, looking up at everyone in the room.

"Yes What are you doing in our time period?" asked the master guy politely

"You know I'm not sure I was in my house and went to an abandoned family dojo that was in the backyard and when I opened a door I was here. I know a bit about what you guys do in the demon slayer corps?" I said accepting my new found skill as a doormat for the headband guy.

"What do they say about us!" The brightly haired dude asked loudly, crossing his arms with a smile.

"Well some of your stuff is in a museum that's a place where they put historical stuff and I was told you all fought against a group of cannibals who ate and killed people at night and that you guys fought with blades and had uniforms and other stuff." I told them but they gave me black stares like I was stupid.

"Stupid boy cannibals? Is he talking about the demons?" the snake dude hissed at me with a scowl.

Are they not cannibals? Then why were there so many people saying it was cannibals?

"Are they not cannibals...?" I asked confused.

"Poor boy he's so uneducated I pray for him to be enlightened" the tallest man said he was rubbing his hands together in prayer with tears in his eyes.

"We fight so hard and they brush the demons off as cannibals!" the scary eyed guy with bunches of scars exclaimed clearly upset.

"Children shh." the master said, lifting a finger to his lips and the room quite down instantly. "Tell us more." he asked gently in a soft voice.

"Well that's what I read about and that's what they used to tell us. Did I get it wrong?" I asked, confused , putting a hand under my chin quite comfortably under the foot of the headband guy.

"Maybe it's the government!" I said coming to that conclusion "if having people who eat people called demons running around at night then if they were anything else it would cause a huge panic amongst people!" I suggested thinking out loud.

"Exactly. Demons are supernatural beings that eat humans for power and energy; they aren't human anymore." The master explained turning his head out the open shoji doors that lead to the outside.

"Anymore?" I questioned.

"Yes they were human but a man named Muzan turned them into demons with his blood." The master explained once more. "Uzui, is he still tied up?" The master asked.

"Yes sir!" Uzui exclaimed proudly, putting his foot  deeper in my back, making me wince.

"Get off of him and untie him, let him participate in the hashira meeting." The master stated as Uzui agreed and cute the ropes freeing my arms and legs I sat silently somewhat scared to move. The people I'm in the room with are very strong. I can sense it.

"Would everyone like to introduce themselves?" The master asked and everyone nodded.

"My name is Rengoku Kyojuro Flame Hashira!" The yellow and red haired man exclaimed with a smile and wide sharp eyes somewhat like an owl.

"Nice to meet you Rengoku." I smiled at him. He seemed like a nice person.

"I'm the flamboyant sound Hashira Uzui Tengen!" Uzui said he seemed to have small sparkles when introducing himself a bead of sweat rolled down and I laughed nervously.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Uzui."

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