let me help🌺

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Jungkook pov.

I feel like I'm having a dream , still can't believe this little angel is sleeping in my arms .

A smile form on my lips as I saw his cute pout , he's just like a baby. How come this adorable tae tae can be that icy old taehyung?! Just look at those chubby cheeks so fluffy and soft!! Ahhh I so wanna touch them,

Losing all my self control I slowly touch his cheek and God it's more softer and fluffier than I thought, I started to caress it and he frown a little , I immediately stop my self afraid that I might wack him up but soon got relax as he just snuggle more into my chest ,

I felt like thousands of butterflies are dancing in my tummy , this ticklish feeling is so new to me but I'm liking every bit of it, I was smiling like an idiot or more like a creep while staring at him when I remember the library incident and my smile drop down .

He was so terrified back then__looking so fragile , my heart hurts just by remembering that painful expression on his face , I wonder what happened to him in the past to couse the trauma and what was he mumbling? I couldn't hear him clearly because he was crying ,

"Tae just tell me what is bothering you love I swear I'll try my hardest to help you"

I said to the sleeping angel and soon I too feel my self drifted in sleep...


Morning 🌞

Still Jungkook pov.

I wack up and meet with two pretty eyes staring at me , I smiled at the owner of the eyes and he quickly looked away standing up afterwards , feeling shy...I chuckled at his cuteness.

"good morning sweet cheeks"

"g-good morning"

He greeted me back but his voice sounded so hoarse maybe because he cried so much yesterday, I stand up
and offer him a glass of water which he took and drank in one go .

"How are you feeling?"

I asked concern and he replied with a small smile,

"Much better, than you"

"Hmm but are you sure you ok ? Yesterday you...."

I stop as I saw his expression changed into sad one ,

"Hey don't be sad it's ok , you don't have to tell me if it's makes you uncomfortable"

I said in softest way possible and he just nodded his head.

"Tae come here"

I tapped on bad where I was sitting and told him to sit beside me , he did what I told him to do .

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you get panic attacks or have any phobia? Like nyctophobia or claustrophobia or maybe autophobia.."

"Wait what do you mean? I don't have any phobia or something I'm completely fine"

I was asking him because I think he may have one since he was panicking and anxious in the library but he lash out on me,

"Hey calm down I'm just trying to help"

"I-I don't know"

He said with low voice,


"I don't know okay, if I had these things. I was in library alone and then lights got off__I started to have flashback of my bad memories and then everything started to go blank , i-i couldn't move o-or couldn't breath probably i-i f-felt like some dark hole would swallowing m-me in it i-i..."

He started to breathe heavy and shacking too , his eyes were getting dull , oh no this is bad! I west no time and took him in my arms___started to draw circle in soothing way on his back

"It's ok tae no need to stress out"

"I-I c-cant b-breath"

I immediately cup his face and was trying to make him breath,

"Look at me tae clam down first , every thing is fine, now try to inhale , yes just like that now 1..2..3.. exhale , again inhale 1..2..3..exhale , very good your doing so well baby just like that now one more time yeah can you do that for me inhale 1..2..3..,......"

After doing this exercise for sometime he was finally able to breathe normally , I'm so glad he looked ok now

"Are you feeling good now?"

"Yeah thank-"

I couldn't wait to complete him as I hugged him ,

"Gosh tae you scared me! Don't do that again please...."

"I'm sorry"

I Brock the hug and kiss his forehead he got shock but right now I don't care about anything I just want him to be perfectly fine and I'll do anything to make him feel better,

"Bunny, how you're so good at calming me down? How do you know about these things ?"

He called me bunny!!!!! Yeah!! I'm so freaking happy but wait it's not time for that first let me answer him.

"I have a little sis and she used to have these panic attacks and I was always calm her down so I'm kinda used to it"

I answered with smile and he just looked at me with teary eyes,

"She is so lucky to have a big brother like you"

"She is indeed but Why are you crying baby?"

"It's nothing"

I sigh as I know these is not a time for question answer but to take action,
I hold his hand gently and look at him in the eyes,

"Tae will you let me help you , I know we're not friends nor we're close but please I promise I'll do my best to make you feel happy and healthy , I know the doctor who helped to cure my little sis we can go and meet him, please trust me in this"

He softly smiled at me and nodded his head,

"Ok bunny I'll meet him , after all I trust my sweet bully who doesn't really act like a bully"

Saying that he giggled so cutely my heart melted with his cuteness.


Hope you like it💜💜

Will tae would be able to tell his bunny about his painful memories?

Let's see how Jungkook will heal tae with his love and care.

my sweet bully🌺 (Vkook Ft. Namjin)Where stories live. Discover now