Chapter Three

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If my life was a book, this moment would be the end of the chapter. It's perfect: the cliff hanger, the smirk that Cathleen was giving me, the very surprised and probably very stupid face I was making.

I immediately closed my mouth and leaned back in the chair casually, even though my head was screaming with questions, "Interview me for what?" I asked.

That's when Professor Hoolay shoved himself into the room. "Miss Cordell! I told you to stay in that chair! And what on earth are you doing in Mrs. Morsie's seat?!"

I was about to roll my eyes and throw an insult at him, but then Cathleen spoke. "It's alright Calvin." she said, still keeping her eyes glued on me, "I can handle this. Please leave us."

Professor Hoolay looked like he wanted to protest, but he just bowed and walked out of the room.

Cathleen closed the door and sat down in the hard chair that I was supposed to be sitting in. She pulled a pen out of seemingly nowhere, and began to scribble on her clipboard.

What is she doing? I thought. Is she gonna say anything? And what is she doing here? "Um..." I said after a while of silence, "Look, so it wasn't me who blew up Professor Hoolay's car, I was in deten-- er I mean... I was going to the bathroom when it happened, so I just found out that it happened and--"

"Miss Cordell, there is no need to lie to me, you're not gonna get in trouble either way."

I stared at Cathleen's sharp features. She must've had them surgically done, because there was no way it was natural. Her eyes were gray and her cheekbones were like knives. I could see the muscles on her arms rippling as she continued to scribble on her clipboard. She was extremely tall as well. She must've been around seven feet tall. Her skin was so pale that it made my medium brown skin look even darker.


"Do you know why I'm here, Miss Cordell?"

"Er... to interview me?" Isn't that obvious? She already told me.

"Not necessarily." She said in a way that made me want to punch her right in the nose, "I am here to grant you freedom. Or at least, more freedom that you have even now."

"What do you mean?" I asked, starting to get interested.

"Well you see," Cathleen said, "You are a special girl, Sage. A very special girl. You are part of a rare group of people who.... How do I put this? Who can change for the better." I must've been making a confused face, because she sighed and stood up. "You have the ability to become super. As in super-human." She walked toward me, and I stood up as well, though it didn't do me much good. The woman was like a giant. "With a little bit of work, you can become one of the most powerful beings on earth."

I stared at her, "This is a joke right?" I said, "This is one of Hoolay's ways to punish me isn't it? I'm not falling for it!" I yelled at the door, "You tried but you failed! You're not gonna get me this time!"

"This is none of Calvin's tricks, let me assure you that. Calvin is far too much of a goon to think of anything like this."

That's when I started to like this lady. Anyone who called Calvin Hoolay a goon obviously knew her stuff. I turned back toward her, my eyebrows raised, "Why would you offer me power? What's in it for you?"

"That's a good question, Sage." Cathleen sighed, "Let me just say: if you are with me, then you can be with no one else, and that's good enough."

I paused for a moment thinking. Let's weigh the pros and cons for a moment. If I say no, then I have to stay here, Professor Hoolay would probably scalp me and eat me for lunch, and I'd get to live with the fact that I turned down possibly the greatest offer of a lifetime. If I say yes, then I get to leave this awful place, live with the most powerful and rich person alive, and Professor Hoolay will never be able to give me detention again.

"I'm in." I said.

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