Small update to get me started again

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Tanaka calls out in joy and a few of the members smile. "Is there something wrong?" Suga asks and I look over to Mr. Takeda. He's slumped on the bench. "Incredible." Is all he says and Suga smiles. " oh yeah that's right. This is your first time seeing Kageyama and Hinata's special attack in action. It's pretty cool, huh!! It's so cool it kinda freaks me out!" He says. The team then walks to Mr. Takeda and bows, asking for feedback.

Kiyoko and I begin to clean up as he's talking to them. I smile at her and say "We actually won.." She smiles back. "We did." We then join the boys in the line and listen to what Mr. Takeda is saying. He has an amazing way with words. "Thank you." We all day and bow. Tsuki walks up to me and I hand him a water. "Oh um.. I can give you back your hoodie and sweatpants if you want, mine should be dry." I say and he shakes his head. Just give them back to me tonight." Just then Yamaguchi comes over and we all talk.

——Aoba Johsai POV——-

"Iwa.. who is that tall bean stock standing next to Y/N..." Oikawa asks. Iwaizumi looks over to where the Karasuno members stand. "Don't know, maybe he's her new boyfriend." He says and smirks, elbowing Oikawa's side. "Hey! That's not funny!" Oikawa whines as he grabs his side and pouts. "She can't have a boyfriend." Iwa looks over to him and raises his eyebrow. "Why is that?"

Oikawa looks over to her and sighs. "Because she's mine.." it's quiet for a second before a few of the members laugh. "You can't call dibs but flirt with anything that walks, that's not how that works." Yahaba says and they all nod in agreement. "I don't do that!!" Oikawa whines, his arms to his side clenching his fists and stomping his foot. "You look like a child. Knock that off." Iwa says as he begins to pack up his stuff. "He's been going to her to get water the entire game. Looks like they are pretty serious." Iwa says as a joke but Oikawa takes it seriously. "Really? You think so?!" He asks but Iwa just rolls his eyes.

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