That went.. Well?

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"You said it yourself "it's not like we are dating"" I say making air quotations with my fingers. Tsuki rolls his eyes and folds his arms. "You're so dense." He says, his tone low. "You think I wouldn't find out you were with them?" His glare is ice cold, it's making me extremely nervous. This is the first time Tsukishima and I have ever argued, I don't want to ruin what I have with him, I just wanted to hang out with my friends. "I'm sorry, I should've said something. Iwa, Oikawa and I have been friends for awhile and we used to be really close." I say biting my lip. "Close?" He says as his eyebrow peaks. "Yeah, they helped me be more social, plus I was the manager for their team so of course I was going to be friends with them." I try to explain but I can tell nothing I say is making him feel any better.

"I'm not an idiot." He says and starts to walk out of his room. "Tsuki?" I start to walk after him and he turns around. "You really think I'm stupid enough to think nothing happened between you and Oikawa?" My face turns red. "Stuff happened but we never dated." I admit and he huffs. "Anything you want to know I'll tell you. I want you to trust me and I want to be able to tell you when I hang out with them-" "You plan to hang out with them again?" He asks, cutting me off. "Well.. yeah? They are my friends." I say and look away from him. He leans against the doorframe. "It's true we aren't dating. I'm not going to bother myself by tracking wherever you go or caring enough to get upset. Do whatever you want to do but don't waste my time in the process." He turns and walks out of the room and down the stairs. "Where are you going?" I call out. "To get food. Are you coming or not?" He yells back to me. "Coming!!"

That went.. well? I'm kind of surprised but it makes sense. Tsuki is so laidback and on the surface a very tough cookie to crack. He's right though, I shouldn't waste his time. I really like him, we get along well.

We meet Yams at a bus stop and go to a gas station to grab some snacks. The rest of the day went by normal and that night I went home. As I laid in bed so many thoughts ran through my head. I'm so overwhelmed by my feelings and I don't know what to do. I don't really have anyone to talk to about it either. I check my phone and I got added to a groupchat with Iwa and Oikawa. They are talking about the next time we will hang out and when everyone is free. I sigh. Hanging out with them is fun but I don't want to lose Tsukishima in the process. I put my phone on my nights stand and go to bed.

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