A Relaxing Night

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We make our way to Tsuki's house and go inside. "You can go to my room. I'll grab some food and drinks." He says as he starts to walk towards the kitchen. "Alriiight" I say and I start to walk to his room. I open his door and walk in, grabbing my favorite dinosaur stuffed animal he has and sitting on the floor with it. I set the Dino on my lap and take my bag off my back, taking my homework out. After a few minutes Tsuki comes in and closes the door behind him, handing me my favorite snacks and drink. "Thank you!" I say as I grab them from him. He takes his bag off too and sets it on the floor. He sits next to me and leans back so he's propped against his bed. "I'm so tired." I look over to him. "You know, you didn't have to help me with my homework-" he looks over to me. "Oh, we are actually doing homework this time?"

My face flushes red. "Well- Yeah! What did you think we were going to do!" I hug the stuffed animal and hide my face in it as I hear him chuckle. He sighs and I feel him lean over me to grab my books. "Wait.. you need help with (your worst subject)?" I look up and huff. "You know it's my worst." I say and look away from him. "I help you with it all the time. You'd think you'd catch on eventually." I roll my eyes and lean back also against his bed. "You'd think so." I grunt, petting the dinosaur as I look up. "I don't know why I can't pick it up. It's easy for you, you know everything." I look over to him and he yawns. "I wouldn't say that" he says and looks at me.

I shrug and my grip on the dinosaur tightens. I lean my head on it as I watch Tsuki sit up and grab snacks. "Here." He hands my my favorite and I grab it, opening it and I start to eat. He does the same with his and he turns the tv on. I lean over and he puts one of his arms around me. I yawn as my eyes start to shut and he looks over to me. "Why don't we work on your homework in study hall tomorrow. I'm not really in the mood to do it right now." He says as he stands up, waking me up a little. I sit up and close my snack. He throws me sweatpants and a hoodie. "Go change, I'll get ready for bed too." I nod and leave the room, walking to the bathroom. I yawn again as I look at myself in the mirror.

I brush my teeth with my toothbrush I leave here and I put my hair up in a ponytail. I'm used to staying here and so are my parents. Speaking of I should probably text them. I grab my phone and go into our group chat and I text them telling them I'm staying with Tsukishima tonight. They reply quickly and tell me it's ok and goodnight. I rub my eyes as I walk back into Tsuki's room. He had picked up the snacks and drinks and made the bed. I throw my dirty clothes over by my bag and I crawl into bed, curling up in the blankets and facing Tsuki. He turns the light off and gets into bed too.

I lift my head and he puts his arm under my neck. I curl up against his chest and he leans his head on to mine. We both fall asleep quickly after getting into bed.

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