Dinner and a Movie?

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We make it to the restaurant and get a booth. It's the spot we usually always sit in when we come here. Iwa sits on the opposite side of Oikawa and I. The waitress takes our orders and brings out our drinks. I take my phone out to a missed call from Tsuki. My heart sinks and I immediately text him.

"Hey, everything ok?" I text back. I text my parents too telling them I'd be home later and that I was out with friends. I feel Oikawa wrap his arm around me. "Cmon, Y/N, get off your phone~" he coos as he rocks back and forth. I lock it, putting it back in my pocket.  "I hope the food comes out soon" Oikawa says as he stretches his arms across the table laying his head down. "I'm hungryy" I look up at Iwa and he rolls his eyes. "You barely played why are you so hungry." Oikawa brings his arms back and rests his head on his hands. "I haven't eaten since lunch, just cause I was late doesn't mean I'm not hungry." Iwa shrugs and I look over to Oikawa. "What happened to your knee?" I ask and he looks over to me, head still resting on his hands, his hair flopping over. "Meh nothing too seri-" "He overworked himself." Iwa cuts him off and I sigh. I give him a look of disappointment and he slouches in the booth, sighing. "Iwa you weren't supposed to tell her." He whines.

"Why not" Iwa asked and Oikawa looks over to me. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine." I raise one of my eyebrows. "Don't treat me like I'm dumb, Oikawa." He sighs but just as he's about to talk the food gets brought out and his face glows. Time to eat.


Our stomachs are full as we all sit back in the booths. I missed this place. "Do you think your parents would let you stay over tonight?" Oikawa randomly asks and I look over. "Huh?" I ask and he looks over and smiles. "We can go back to my place and watch movies or play video games like we used to, all 3 of us." I look over to Iwa and he shrugs. "Up to you" he says and I look back over to Oikawa. "Plus.. creepy stalker dudes will be out at night. If we bring you home in the morning the train is full of little old ladies, a lot safer in my opinion." He says smiling at me. He's got a point. "I can ask them." I say, they will probably say yes anyway, they never really care where I stay as long as I tell them where.

I pull out my phone, still no text from Tsuki. I text my groupchat with my parents. "Is it ok if I stay with my friends tonight?" I wait for them to reply as I feel Oikawa lean on my shoulder and look at the text. I quickly lock my phone once I realize the last text I sent to them was saying I was going to be with Tsuki for the night. My face gets red and I feel Oikawa's head get heavier on my shoulder. "Im tired. Maybe just a movie tonight? We can play video games a different night." Oikawa says and yawns afterwards. Iwa and I agree as we are both tired as well. I get a text from my parents saying it's ok and asking for the address. I send it to them. I'm surprised I remembered his address still.

After the bill is paid we get up and start making our way to Oikawa's place. Iwa doesn't live far from him but since it's dark we all agreed to just stay the night, something we often used to do. My phone buzzes and I take it out. It's my mom. "Isn't that Oikawa's address?" She asks and my face gets red. "Yeah, is that ok?" I text back and get another one from her. "Of course. He is a very sweet boy, tell him I said hi. If Iwaizumi is with you tell him hello as well." I laugh a little bit causing them to look at me. "My mom said hi." I say and Iwa laughs. "You told her you were with us?" Oikawa asks. "No, she put it together once I sent her the address, she said you're a "very sweet boy"" I put in quotations and mock looking at Oikawa. His face gets red and he smiles. "Well yeah, I am." Iwa and I roll our eyes as we continue to walk.


We finally make it to Oikawa's place and go inside, taking our shoes off and making it up to his bedroom. Walking in is like walking into a time machine, so many memories were made in this room alone, good and bad. I walk over and lay on his bed on my stomach. I look up and see a stuffed little alien I got for him forever ago. "You still have this?" I laugh as I sit up and grab it. "Well yeah" He says as he grabs the remote, turns the lights off and sits next to me, Iwa sitting on the other side. I roll over and we put pillows behind us so we aren't just leaving up against the wall. He puts on a random movie but we don't watch for long, soon all of us are passed out.

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