We.. Won?

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Girls call out for him and tell him not to hurt himself again. Im assuming that's why he hasn't been here. He waves to them and they freak out. I roll my eyes. That was always an issue when we were dating. I would always get shoved to the side by his fangirls. The basics would happen. They'd call and text me telling me he doesn't love me and that they were his soulmate. I eventually got used to it but it's a pretty toxic thing to just get "used to". I did like Oikawa and I'm sure a part of me still does but it's a lot less drama to be talking to Tsuki now. I sigh and turn towards Tsukishima. He's talking to Yamaguchi but they both look at me. "Are you ok, Y/N?" Yamaguchi asks and I smile. "Of course." Tanaka then speaks up. He's annoyed already with Oikawa. I guess that's a pretty reasonable feeling when seeing him.

"That's Seijoh's team captain." Daichi says and Kageyama adds. "Oikawa.  A super offensive setter. Top of his class in attacking and team play. Yeah. And he's got a bad attitude too." Kageyama says looking at Hinata. I roll my eyes. "You could say that again." I add and some of the members look at me. "If it makes him look good he doesn't really care who he has to knock down.." I say and I walk to the bench and sit down. "Is his attitude worse than yours?" Hinata asks Kageyama. "Yeah. Even worse than four eyes." He motions to Tsuki who is drinking his water. I giggle and Tsuki puts his water down. Glaring at us. "That IS bad." Hinata says and I look down at my clipboard. "He's my upperclassmen." Kageyama calls out and they all look at me. "But how do you know him, Y/N?" Ennoshita asks me. I forgot not all of them know. "I used to go here. I moved but I was really.. I don't know.. I was close with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. I was the manager for their team last year." Hinata's face lights up. "So you know everything about them?!" My eyes widen. "I mean.. I'm sure they've changed some things about how they play." I say and look to Kageyama. He nods.

Just then Oikawa calls out. "Oh hey there, long time no see Kageyama." He waves as I look over. He then looks at everyone on the team, his eyes finally landing on me and he stops waving. "Y/N?"  I gulp and grip my clipboard tighter. "Hey.." I say and look away. Just then Tsuki walks to me and hands me his water bottle. "Can you fill this for me?" I look up and take it from him. He's glaring at Oikawa so I stand and he looks at me. "Yeah, no problem." I walk out of the gym. I'm walking down the hall and I finally reach the water fountain. Tsuki saved me from that incredibly awkward situation..

——Karasuno POV——

"He's good. I learned everything I know about serving and blocking from him. Do not underestimate him." Kageyama says turning towards the team. "You and Y/N serve the same. Does that mean she learned from him too?" Hinata asks and Kageyama looks at him and shrugs his shoulder. "I can't say if she did or not. I don't know." Tsuki folds his arms over his chest and looks over to where Oikawa stands. Yamaguchi looks at Tsuki then to Oikawa and back to Tsuki. "You look pretty mad, Tsuki, you ok?" He asks and Tsukishima looks down at him. "Whatever." He drinks his water as Oikawa looks over to him giving him a dirty look.

———Y/N POV———

I finally finish filling the bottle as I hear more screams coming from the gym. So annoying. Just then two girls walk by me and bump into me. Making me splash water onto myself.  "Oops.." One if them says and I turn to look. They wave at me. I remember who they are. They like Oikawa. "Oh no.. Now you'll look like a mess going back in there. Sorry!" I sigh and try to dap as much water off as I can but I can't. I'm soaked. "Oikawa won't want to see you like that.." The other girl says and I roll my eyes. "Really? You think I'm here to see Oikawa?" They give me a dirty look and look at each other. "I could care less what that prissy boy thinks of me." I screw the top onto the water bottle and walk towards them. "In fact, I could care less what any of you think of me. I'm down with Oikawa. I want nothing to do with him. He's all yours." I push through them and they gasp. I gulp as I walk back into the gym.

I sit on the bench and don't say a word. They all look at me but I just look at the ground. Tsuki walks up to me and kneels down. "Are you that clumsy?" He asks but I just look away. He stands up and walks away but a few seconds later he comes back with his hoodie and sweatpants in hand. "You can wear these." He hands them to me and I take them, slightly blushing. I stand up and take my wet sweatshirt off and put it to the side. I was wearing a tank top under it so I wasn't that worried. I put on his hoodie then I take my sweatpants off and put his on. I had shorts on so I was decent the entire time. Very baggy but at least I'm not wet and cold.. Little did I know Oikawa was staring a hole into the back of my head.

The game starts and everything is going normal. The score reaches 14 to 15 with us ahead. I hear girls from the stands talking about Oikawa and his "beautiful body" and my stomach curls. Kiyoko then starts a conversation with me. I know she was just doing it to get my mind off of it but it's still sweet. A few more serves go by and we are at 20 to 24. We are at match set.. Just then Kindaichi spikes right to Tsuki and the ball flies out of bounds.

Girls scream and I look to Seijoh's side. They are swapping Oikawa in. Not only is he in now.. He's also the server.  

"It doesn't matter how powerful their attacks are. If they never make a solid connection with the ball, then what's the point." Oikawa says as he lifts his hand to point to Tsuki. Without warning he serves right to Tsuki. The ball bounces off of him and right into the stands. My heart drops. I know Tsuki isn't the best at receiving but is this also a grudge.. " I just started watching but I guess I was right. Number 6 and Number 5. You two must be first years. Your receives are terrible." Oikawa says with a smile. I look to Tsuki and he's immediately annoyed. "Now. One more time." Oikawa calls out before serving again right to Tsuki. Again it hits his arms and flies out of bounds. Yamaguchi grips Suga as he freaks out. "Poor Tsuki!!" I sigh as I look out to the court. He's getting even more mad. The score comes to 23 to 24 and it doesn't go unnoticed by everyone.

"Hey! Great King! Why don't you aim for me!! I can take it! Just aim the ball right at my head!" Hinata calls to Oikawa. "Stop it. You're acting like a toddler." Tsuki tells him, making him mad. " The cool thing about volleyball is that everyone you see on the side of the net is your ally, ok Tsukishima." Hinata yells catching him off guard. Daichi then tells Tsuki to stand close to the sideline and he does. They stick Daichi in the middle to cover the most ground. A smart move. "Come on Tsuki!" I yell and he looks to me then back at the ball.

The plan doesn't stop Oikawa as he aims for Tsuki again but this time it's slower. He's able to receive. "Oh you got it? Niiice. I guess I made it to easy. Oh well. You guys did just give us a little gift though." Oikawa says as the ball is sent over the net and to their side. "Damn it." Tsuki says. At least he was able to receive it though.. They set up the ball and Kindaichi is about to spike when Hinata comes out of no where and blocks it. The ball flies into the air. Before you know it they set up for a quick attack. Hinata spikes the ball directly at Oikawa but he was frozen. He looks back to the ball and the whole gym is silent. The whistle is blown and we get the point. We won the practice game.

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