Am I making the wrong decisions?

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As we all walk back to the bus after the game Suga and Daichi are talking about how they can all improve. I'm walking between Tsuki and Yamaguchi. Im looking down at my phone when I accidentally bump into Yams. He laughs a little bit and bumps me back knocking me into Tsuki. "Watch it." He says in a low tone. I snicker and look over at Yams who is doing the same.

"If we ever want to play and win a real game against Seijo with Oikawa in the setter position we are still missing a vital ingredient." Daichi says. "Wow.. Very well said captain." Everyone freezes and my stomach drops. I look up from my phone and Oikawa is standing against a wall. "That's surprisingly astute." He turns his head to look at us and chuckles. I'm used to his cockiness but can't say the same for the others, he's definitely trying to seem tough in front of them.

Tanaka, Yamaguchi, Tsuki and Hinata all make faces at him. "It's the great king again!" Hinata calls out. "Great King?" I whisper very confused as to where that nickname came from.

"What's your damage?" "Got a problem?" "Want a knuckle sandwich?" "Yeah let's rumble" Tanaka mocks him and Hinata chimes in as well hiding behind him.

"Awhhh come now, no need to get yourselves worked up, but hey short stuff" Oikawa says smiling back at them. "That one touch and broad jump were great. You should be proud~"
Hinata gets flustered and rubs the back of his head. "Oh.." he says and awkwardly laughs.

Oikawa's face changes and his glare focuses. "Next time we should try doing things full out from the start.. You haven't seen our real setup." I swallow hard. They are a good team, not saying our boys aren't good, but we definitely have some stuff to figure out before then. "But don't worry, we'll be working on perfecting our servers until then." Oikawa smiles and directs it at Tsukishima. I can feel Tsuki clench his hand and I look up at him. He's not showing he's upset but I can tell he's nervous.

"That combination attack is pretty affective but you're going to run out of steam at some point. You need to improve your receives." He's giving them genuine advice, he wants the next time they play against each other to be an actual competition. He starts walking closer as he continues. "After all, I'm not the only person who does power serves. The inter high tournaments are coming up and I want you to make the cut." He stops walking just in front of us and points at Kageama. "Listen carefully, my special protégé. I want to crush you fair and square at an official game where we both play setter.

Hinata freaks out and jumps over to Tsuki grabbing his arm. Tsuki jumps back and tries to pull his arm away to no avail. "Yeah well we can train to receive fancy pants." Hinata says as Tsuki continues to try to get him off. "Hey let me go." As Oikawa hears Tsukis voice he turns his head and glares at him. He looks down at Hinata. "Just so you know receives aren't something you can learn over night. I'm sure your manager can attest to that." He looks down at me with a warm smile. I can't lie I do miss what I had with Oikawa but there's a lot I don't miss about it as well. Iwa, Oikawa and I were so close for so long it's weird being on the opposite side of his attitude.

"If you'd ever like private lessons again, Y/N, you know where to find me. I'll always make time for you." He says with a smile and my heart stops. He's good at what he does, can't deny that. I hear a tsk come from Tsuki and I look up at him. He's looking away, his ears getting red. I look around and other players are looking at me as well. My face goes red and I walk over to Daichi. "I'll be right back" I say and walk towards the school.

I enter the doors and walk towards the gym, I hear some stuff being moved around so I'm hoping he's inside.

"Y/N~" I hear Oikawa call my name from down the hall. My stomach drops, he's not the person I wanted to talk to. I stop and turn to him. "What was that?" I ask. He rolls his eyes at me and walks until he's right in front of me. "What? Can't joke around with you anymore? Has Karasuno taken your funny bone out?" He says as he pokes my side. I jump a little bit and roll my eyes back to him. "You singled me out, how am I supposed to explain that to them." I say. I can feel my face getting red. He shrugs his shoulders. "Just tell them all about how you're in love with me" he bends down so his face is in mine, I use my hand and push his face away.

Just then I feel arms wrap around me and lift me into the air. "Y/N!!" I hear Iwa call from behind me. "We missed you!! Why haven't you called or anything?" He asks as he sets me back down. I turn to face him. "I.. well.." I feel bad. He's right, why haven't I kept in touch at all. "I'm sorry, I miss you too, I should've said something." I say shyly. "Well how bout you make it up and come out to eat with us?" Iwa asks and I turn and look at Oikawa. He's smiling big at me.

"Do we HAVE to bring him?" I whisper and point at Oikawa. "HEY!! I can hear you!!" Oikawa says as he slumps over. Iwa and I laugh mocking Oikawa and I pull out my phone to check the time. "We can go to your favorite restaurant~" Iwa coos and my mouth waters just thinking about it. "We can bring you home after as well" Oikawa chimes in. "You guys are making a very flattering offer.." I say. "Pleaseeee" they both stand in front of me.

"Let me go talk to Daichi" I say and turn towards the door. "You won't regret it!!" Iwa calls out. "I better not~" I yell back at him.

I get to the bus and Daichi and Mr. Takeda are both standing talking. "Hey Y/N, ready to go?" Daichi calls out to me. "Oh, actually.. I was wondering if it were ok if you guys went without me? I saw some of my friends inside and they offered to take me out to dinner so I'd like to go with them." I ask. Daichi looks at Mr. Takeda. "Will you have a ride home?" Mr. Takeda asks and I shake my head. "Yes sir." "Well then I don't see an issue with you hanging out with a few of your friends. Plus it's a Friday, so you have no school in the morning." He says and smiles at me. "Thank you sir!" I say and he walks over to the bus and opens the hatch revealing our backpacks. I take mine and he closes it back up. "Stay safe!" Daichi calls out to me and I wave to them as they get on the bus.

I turn to walk towards the school when I feel my phone buzz, it's a text from Yamaguchi.

"Hey, youre not taking the bus home?"

"Yeah sorry!! I met up with a few of my friends, we are going out to eat and they are bringing me home!!"

I sigh. I feel bad not telling him who I'm actually hanging out with but I feel like it'll be best for now. Besides, it's not like I'm lying, just not specifically saying who my friends are. Maybe this isn't a good idea.. 

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