Its going Great!

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"Let the practice game between Karasuno High and Aoba Johsai officially begin." The referee calls out and each team bows and yells thank you. The members get to their places and the teammates that are on the court stand to the side. Hinata looks like a mess as Daichi puts his hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down. "Yes sir! I'll get it together right now!" Hinata calls out and I sigh. "He's a mess.." I say and tap my pen to my clipboard. "I'm sure he will do fine." Kiyoko says and I smile to her.

The first serve is hit to Daichi but Hinata runs to it and hits it right before Daichi can. Ennoshita covers and Tanaka spikes it into a wall of blockers. Aoba Johsai's first point. I look over to Kiyoko and she looks at me and shrugs her shoulders.

The next few serves are filled with Hinata bumping into everyone and everything. To say he's nervous is definitely an understatement. The score is 24 to 13 with Aoba Johsai in the lead. It's not too shocking seeing how nervous Hinata is.

"Just breathe Hinata" Daichi calls out and I look up from my clipboard. It's Hinata's turn to serve.. Great. As he's in deep thought the whistle is blown and he throws the ball of smacking it lightly. It flies straight forward until it hits... Kageyama. Everyone is frozen. Tsuki and Tanaka use this time to laugh and to make fun of them but Kageyama looks like he's about to kill Hinata. I slightly giggle too and cover my face with my clipboard. It's nice seeing Tsuki show emotion every once in awhile. I love his smile but it's rare to see it. And to see him laugh? That's a whole different story.

Just then Kageyama turns towards Hinata and begins to walk towards him eventually backing him up to the wall. They stand off to the side for a minute. I can't make out what they are saying but Hinata looks horrified. Kageyama slaps the back of his head a few times. Then points to the court and yells at him. After their talk Hinata looks like he's in the correct headspace.. Thank you Kageyama. Tanaka also gives him a talk as the team walks over to get water. Tsuki walks to me and grabs a water bottle and towel. "Idiots." He says as he drinks then hands me back his stuff. "Your welcome" I say and he turns to me. I wink at him and he blushes slightly before waving me away.

The next set starts. It's going pretty well and Kageyama and Hinata even get in a few quick attacks, shocking the other team and people watching. They continue to play, making mistakes but also nailing some good attacks. A time out is called and we all stand in a circle. Tsuki comes to me for water again and I hand it to him. They are all excited and Suga is giving them pep talks. The whistle is blown and everyone gets to their position.

We are ahead by one the score being 18 to 17. This sets going by good. Tsuki scores a point and Yamaguchi and I cheer but it looks like he's busy being annoying at Kageyama for some reason. "I get it now.. The team rotates every time they get serving rights. Which means Kageyama, Tsukishima and Ennoshita should all be playing forward right now." Mr. Takeda says and I look over to him. "Right, so at this point their positions are opposite than when they were when they started the game." Suga says as he's leaning over looking at the whiteboard Mr. Takeda is holding. "-and when the ball goes to Tsukishima his blocks are every bit as intimidating as Seijohs are." Mr. Takeda says and I look up to Tsuki. He is pretty tall and his attitude towards people would give him a bad vibe. Speaking of bad attitude he's giving Kageyama attitude as we speak. They start to argue but the other team sets up for a spike, stopping them in their tracks. Iwa spikes it but it's stopped by Tsuki and Kageyama. They continue to fight after the spike is stopped so Daichi takes it into his own hands and yells at them. Kageyama takes his anger out on Hinata but Tsuki just stand there. "Pssst" I whisper and Tsuki looks over to me. I make a heart with my hands and he rolls his eyes and focuses back to the game, shaking his head.

The score is 24 to 22 we are at match point. Hinata spikes the ball and it hits. They all yell and we cheer from the side. We won the second set!! The boys come to the side for towels and water. Tsuki walks right up to me followed by Yamaguchi. "I'll be right back." I say and I walk over to Daichi. "Hey. Don't get too comfortable. That setter they have out? I don't think he's their starter." Kageyama come up and agrees. Just then we hear girls scream and we look over to the other team. My eyes widen and my heart stops. Oikawa.

Tall Boys are the Worst. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora