Training Camp

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The boys got a new coach and he brought in the Neighborhood Association Team. "I was expecting them to be a lot older.." Tsuki says and Yams shakes his head. "Yeah.. Same." Noya is playing and they have a new kid playing too, his name is Asahi I believe. They split into their teams and the game begins.

Kiyoko and I are keeping score. The game goes by pretty fast and the new player are actually super good. I'm surprised. I stand next to Tsuki as he drinks his water. "You did good." I say and he looks down at me. "Could've been better." He says and takes a drink out of his water bottle. "You're right, you were actually pretty bad." I say as I fold my arms and look away. Yams giggles and Tsuki huffs. "It's a joke, Tsuki~" I say and bump his arm.

The next few days go by fast. The new coach is really good at pinpointing what needs to be fixed. He's pointed out a lot that I haven't noticed, it's helping Kiyoko and I with our notes.

The night comes and we get to the training camp, I decided to go since it's not too far from home, it's also not too far from Kiyokos house as well. I decided to have dinner and see the camp before going home. She told me I don't have to feel bad for missing it since it's basically the same as practice after school it's just an all day thing. I plan to come back for the Nekoma and Karasuno game though, I couldn't miss it.

We walk inside and it smells.. like a training camp. Hinata is opening all the doors super excited to be there. "Is it really all that exciting?" Kageama asks him with his hands in his pockets. Hinata excitedly turns around. "Of course it is I've never been to a training camp!" Tsuki stops walking and I almost bump into him. "It's just a bunch of loud disgusting guys in your face all day every day. What's so fun about that?!" He says disgusted. Tanaka pops up behind us and scares us by yelling. "You take that back right now!!" Noya also pops up behind us bumping into me making me fall into Tsuki. He grabs me and looks at them annoyed. "Any place that's in a quarter mile radius of our gorgeous Kiyoko and Y/N is automatically pure and beautiful." Noya yells making Tsuki even more annoyed. Suga and Daichi make their way over hearing how loud they are.

"This airs as fresh as a morning in spring and if your senses are so dull you can't smell it I feel sorry for you!!" Tanaka says and everyone looks at him confused. "Kiyoko lives right by here, she goes home whenever the day is over." Suga says and walks away. Tanaka and Noya stand still for a second and both turn to look at me. "Oh.. I'm only staying for dinner then I'm going back home, sorry!" I call and shake my hands at them awkwardly. I didn't even notice that Yamaguchi walked up behind us. They both fall to the ground, upset. They are so weird..

The kitchen door opens and Mr. Takeda and Kiyoko are in aprons. The sent of fresh food hits me and my mouth waters. We all walk to the tables and take seats. The food was amazing and we all finish quickly. After we eat the boys all go to take showers and I get ready to head home. "Leaving?" I hear Tsuki's voice come from behind me. "Yeah, I don't want to be out too late." I say as I grab my bag. "Be safe, text me when you get home." He says and turns around to walk away. "Tsuki?" I say and start to walk up to him. He stops and turns  looking confused. I wrap my arms around him hugging him tight.

"I'll miss you." I say into his shirt. It's the longest I'll be away from him, usually I'm used to seeing him at school or something but I won't see him for a few days which doesn't sound like a lot to be fair but I will miss him. I hear him huff as he half hugs me back. "You're getting mopey about us being a part for a few days?" I let go of him and back up, looking up at him. "Well yeah, it'll be weird not seeing you." I say and I see his ears turn pink. "I guess, don't be stupid, get home safe." "Yeah yeah" I say and grab my stuff, walking out the doors and making my way home.

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