On Our Way

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I walk back into the school back over where Oikawa and Iwa just were but now Iwa is gone leaving Oikawa standing alone. He turns to me and smiles but slowly loses it. "You know if you're going out to eat you should change, those sweats look 8 sizes too big for you." I look down, I completely forgot I was wearing Tsukishimas track suit. "Oh.. yeah mine got soaked so I had to borrow these." I look up at him and he looks puzzled. "Soaked? Did you fall in the pool?" He laughs and I get a little awkward. "No uh.. there were girls in the hall, they spilt water on me."

He swallows and a hint of pain reaches his face. "It's not your fault!! We aren't like a thing anymore so it's not like they did it because of you or anything!! They just bumped into me." That's a lie. They did do it because of him, but I'm not going to tell him that. He half smiles at me, I know he doesn't believe me. He starts walking and I follow him. "Well luckily for you I have some of your clothes in my locker.." he freezes and looks back at me. "Not in a weird way.. it's stuff you left at my house." He awkwardly says and turns to keep walking. I giggle a little bit and continue to follow. We reach his locker and he pulls out a bag with a bunch of my stuff in it.

I look through it and it's mixed with some makeup, hair ties, a hair brush, some shirts, my toothbrush and a pair of jeans. I pull out the jeans and a shirt. "It's also kinda cold out so you can wear this." He hands me one of his volleyball hoodies. It's all white with light blue mixed onto it resembling their jerseys. On the back it has a light blue #1 on it. "It'll keep you warmer than that track hoodie." I smile and start walking towards the bathroom to change. "Thank you~" I call out.

I quickly change throwing what I was just wearing into my backpack. I glance over to the mirror before leaving. The hoodie is big on me but it's comfy. I can smell Oikawa all over it, obviously.. The smell is so warm and inviting. I walk out and Iwa is back. "You ready?" Iwa calls back to me and I smile. "Yes. I'm starving." The three of us leave the school and begin the walk to the restaurant. I haven't been there in so long I'm so excited, plus to be going with Oikawa and Iwa again.. A warm fuzzy feeling creeps up my back. They make me walk in the middle of them for "safety reasons" as they like to call it and finally Iwa speaks up.

"So what have you been up to lately, Y/N?" he says as he looks over at me. "Not much honestly. Basically the same stuff I was doing here just without you guys I guess. Eat, sleep, homework and volleyball." I shrug my shoulders. Very thrilling stuff, I know. "Hm sounds boring" Oikawa chimes in and I give him a dirty look. "How is that any different than what you do?" He looks down at me and smiles. "Well it doesn't involve us anymore so I'd say your life got significantly less exciting." He smirks at me and I huff. "I have friends outside of you two." I cross my arms and look ahead. "Right, like bean pole and freckles." Iwa says. Oikawa huffs and I laugh a little bit. "I guess, I'm kinda working on being friends with other people it's just.. hard." I bite my lip. "Talking to new people isn't easy.. The volleyball team is all I have right now.." I say shyly. "Still shy, Y/N? I thought we popped that bubble and helped you come out of it?" Iwa asks and I look at him.

"You guys helped a lot but I don't have you behind me anymore now that I'm at Karasuno. It's not the same." He smiles at me. "Move back here. The whole team wants you back~" he says as he nudges my arm. I roll my eyes at him and laugh. "You know I can't, my dad has work over there so I have to stay." It's an easy out to say I'd love to come back. Seijo is a place I'm used to. I know the people here and I'm more comfortable. Karasuno is growing on me as well but I haven't been there for long enough. It's not fair of me to say i prefer Seijo, the circumstances are different.

It's quiet for a minute before Oikawa chimes in. "It's not the same without you." Iwa agrees with him and I look over at him. He's looking forward not making eye contact with me. "I'm sure you're fine without me, Oikawa." I say and he shrugs. "I don't think so, I lost one of my favorite people when you left and not hearing from you in so long is just meh" he says making a heart with his hands and dramatically breaks it. He looks down at me. "I lost someone who studied with me, kept me on track, and someone who was really good in bed." My face goes red and I shove him. He bumps into a wall as Iwa and I stop dead in our tracks. "HEY!! Why did you ruin a good moment like that!!" I yell at him and he laughs at me. I huff and fold my arms over not looking at him. "You're an idiot." Iwa calls and Oikawa just smiles and makes a peace sign.

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