18 Thoughts

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Cam Chase's POV

When I find him I'm going to kill him. I'm going to bring him to the end of his immortal life have Aspen bite him to keep him alive. Then I'm going to torture him all over again. And if her bite turns the fucker into a werewolf I'm going to enjoy hunting him down and ripping him apart, piece by piece as Chase. My sharp canines digging into flesh and bone. I dare anyone to stop me, even Paul. If he's not on the same page as me with this then he better stay far away when I do. I can't control the beast in me to stop if he gets in the way. All parts of me wants to kill. Wants blood. His blood.

Aspen turning over brings me from my reverie. Her blonde hair almost white sticks to her moist skin. I want to reach out and push it aside but I don't. She's been out for an hour maybe more. I don't know because I haven't moved since we bought her to her room. So much for spending time together. That piece of shit ruined a perfectly good day. The day we can get back. We'll have plenty of those but what he did to her is much worse. He broke her. We had to pull her away from Oliver and Rosalind who were the only others in the house. She cling to them for dare life.

When she finally snapped out of it. Whatever trance she was in she didn't want Paul or I to touch her. She was mumbling something about we were going to leave her too.

I would never. The thought has never crossed my mind. When I first realized how special she was there was no turning back for me. I don't mean her power special I mean her personality. I'm very good at reading people. I have always been. It helps a lot being what I am. And when I read her I could see why she was the way she is.

Even after losing her mother and having a rocky relationship with her father she wasn't cold or bitter. The opposite actually. She's warm and loving. Incredibly kind for a werewolf. But fiercely protective over her pack and family. She doesn't deserve this. Another lost to add to the list.

The triplets will never have to worry about being safe with a mother like her. I think they know something is wrong with her. Ever since we sent Levi and the hybrid to get them they been moody. Not wanting anyone to hold them or even feed them. Rosalind told me they cried the whole way here and Killian never cries.

Soon will have to wake her to get them to eat but for now we'll let her sleep. I don't know how much good that will do. When she wakes up things will be the same. He will still be gone.

Paul Logan's POV

I watch him and I watch her, mostly him because of his thoughts. They're so damn loud. The whole pack probably knows what he wants to do by now. I have instructed them to stay put even the trackers. He's not the only one who wants to do something about this. It's like he's forgetting about Sasha. He's just too hot headed. Aspen is hurting and whatever she was mumbling about wanting Marcel dead are just that mumblings. On top of that she thinks we are like him. That we are going to suddenly get up and disappear. Not in a million years will I leave her. But I can see why she would think so.

I can feel her pain. I know he can too. It's a normal reaction for her to want Marcel dead but it doesn't mean we should act on it. She could wake up in a few hours and still want him alive.

Cam isn't thinking. I don't think he ever is but I have to keep him off of Marcel's sent. Keep him close to us. It'll be gone in a day. I'm hoping for rain. The only way I'm leaving her side is if he makes a move to.

Aspen turns over again facing back to me. Her eyes tightly closed and her nose pink. She's crying in her sleep. I so badly want her to open her beautiful golden eyes. Cam nor I invade her dreams. Whatever she is dreaming needs to come out of her system. The sooner the better. Maybe then she can get over him. If that is possible. From what Oliver told me she tried using Noel on him and it didn't work. They are meant for each other but maybe not meant to be. Not in this lifetime.

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