14 Never Normal*

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Dedicated to Cloe204 for being so lovely 💚

Having spent the early morning in the house with the triplets I think they need some air. I don't know what's up with Cam and Paul trying to keep them inside all the time. They need to be around nature, just a few hours will do.

With the little ones in tow. I head outside where Cam and Paul are training a few members of the pack. I notice they are the higher ranking members of the pack, the ones who live in the pack house. Is something going on that I don't know about?

Killian and Cesare run up to their fathers happy to be outside mostly. They quickly join in with the small group trying to mimic them. Killian quickly gets rid of his light sweater I put on him. My efforts clearly waisted trying to put him in a decent outfit.

With Mia on my hip I walk up to Cam and Paul getting kisses on my cheek from them.

Paul takes Mia from me while Cam pulls me away from everyone. "What are you doing? You're distracting." Cam whispers.

I laugh, "how am I distracting?" I ask.

"For one your attire. Did your vampire let you out the house like this?" He nudges his head in the direction of Marcel who is close by.

He's been with me all night and all morning. Never more than a few feet away. He didn't say anything about my clothes. I'm wearing a sports bra and a pair of shorts. It's warm out, what should I be wearing?

"If I change can I train with you?" I ask with a pout.

He sighs in annoyance but nods his head.

I head inside to change. I have no idea what Cam expects me to wear. Marcel follows me and I ask him if there is something wrong with my clothes. He tells me Cam is being possessive. This makes me not want to change at all.

I keep my sports bra on and change from my shorts to a pair of grey leggings.

When we walk back outside Cam isn't facing my direction but I'm too distracted by the wolf lazily watching from the far end of the trees. His brown eyes staying on my gold ones as I walk over to Cam.

"Aspen I told you to change. What is this?" Cam hands stay on my hips as he waits for my answer.

"My legs aren't even showing." I mumble.

"Yeah but this material hugs all your curves." He's voice is lower making my shiver. I know this tone all to well.

I need to change the subject fast. "Is that Rosalind?" I ask looking at the wolf.

"Yeah. He's been there all morning. I don't want you going over there while he's in that form. There's not telling what a hybrid's shift is like." Cam warns me.

"He's beautiful." I whisper mostly to myself but Cam growls lowly at it.

With Cesare needing Cam's attention I take my chance and run over to Rosalind. When I reach him I can see a very upset Cam. He'll just have to get over it or punish me later for it.

"Look at you." I squeal.

He doesn't more or make any noise. He really is a large beautiful multi colored wolf. White and grey with blue specs. My hand runs though his fur still he doesn't move.

"Up. I want to see you." I tell him and he listens.

Like he's a show dog I examine him. He even opens his mouth so I can view his teeth. When I ask for his paw Cam calls for me to come back but I want to see his claws first then I'll be done with the hybrid.

"You remind me of a Russian Blue." I tell him as I walk away he purrs.

I know I'm in trouble when the small group of wolves are no longer in the spot they once was. Only Cam, Paul, Marcel and the little ones are there. I can't be in too much trouble if the kids are still here, unless I'm going to be going back inside.

Vampire's AlphaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang