9 Time

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Death is final. The last stop. There's nothing after it. Well if you want to count haven then I guess that would be the last stop. But not everyone goes there. I know my mother is there but who knows if I'll end up with her.

Death shouldn't be an option for me. I'm not saying I'm invincible, I know that. I'm just saying I didn't think it would be after becoming what I am. But I'm not so sure now. I feel like I'm dying all over again.

This is what, the third time? I don't think Jeremy's attempt counts because I wouldn't have died from that amount of wolf's bane. Jonathan, now that one counts because I was almost drained dry. And then Victor but I wasn't meant to die just be reborn in a way.

So maybe just once I was close to death. This time definitely counts as the second.

Funny thing time is. You think you have all the time in the world when in reality you don't. Not even supernatural beings have all the time. They can die or be killed at any moment just like a human can.

It's the abilities that give the illusion of enteral life for some. The abilities that make you feel invincible can also lead to the end of your time.

My abilities never made me feel this way. They are gifts but I've never taken them for granted.

I've been reckless at times especially growing up under my father's rule but I've never taken anything for granted.

Do I deserve this now? Probably, who knows. But will I fight with everything in me until my last breath? Of course I will because I'm a fighter and surviver.

The only thing I can do now is keep going. No matter how much it hurts or how tired I feel.

Marcel adjust my pillows again as I think all this over. I'm surprised he stays with me in my room surrounded by werewolves.

He doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Marcel is probably holding on to the hope of me out living both Cam and Paul so he could be my only companion.

I smile at the thought of getting through this but not living without my mates. That thought is too painful to process.

My eyes travel to my mates who have been taking turns in their wolf forms. Logan, Paul's wolf is taking his turn while Cam is in his human form. A sick or even dying Luna brings a very vulnerable pack. So they have been adamant about switching off every few hours.

I don't mind it at all. It makes me feel safe but it's starting to scare Bailey.

"Bailey please continue." The poor girl is shaking because of all the growling Logan is doing.

"Right. Sorry." She glances back at her book. "Um... like I was saying the spell is very old and very dark. I can't find anything powerful enough in my book."

Logan advances towards her but I hold up my hand and he stops. "So there's nothing you can do?" I ask.

"Not nothing." A small smile forms on her lips. "If I could make my own spell, one that is equally as great but the reverse of the outcome then I can save you." Her voice gets higher by the end of her sentence.

"What do you need?"

"Time. I'll work as fast as I can but it's difficult. I just need some more time." She peas.

Her eyes show that familiar twinkle from when I first met her. She's probably the sweetest witch I know. Bailey believes she can do this so I'll have her as much time as I can.

"I try not to die then." I half joke.

She smiles and closes her spell book before rushing out of my room.

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