3 The Past

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I tell him about my mother, Angel and what she looked like. How I remember her and how she still looks the same from when I saw her the day I almost died because of Jonathan. Oliver's new vampire the one who replaced Jeremy who was in love with me. The one who wanted me to be his. Who Cam finished off when he couldn't control himself.

I tell him about how she died and how I blamed myself for the longest time. I explain how difficult my relationship was with my father. I narrate how I met my mates Paul and Cam. How terrible the pain was and how confused I was about the prophecy about us.

I explain to Marcel how Alpha Nick was too young and too wild to lead his pack. A pack he made out of rouges. Not to mention he was turning humans randomly which is not allowed by pack law.

"We tried to get him to sign a treaty but he didn't want to. He attacked us and Bass was hurt really bad." I tell him.

He doesn't ask any questions so I keep going. I know he is listening because of how closely he is watching me.

I tell Marcel about my new ability to heal others with my bite. How we had to kill Nick in the end. How Paul's little brother, Luke is now the leader of his former rogue pack.

I move quickly on how the triplets were born and how I developed my siren. Vampire Hybrid Victor and his son Rosalind are next. I tell him how Victor wanted me to be his vampire bride. I tell Marcel how he had my father then later he used my mates against me.

I explain how I gave in and let him bite me, changing me to what I am now. A werewolf, siren, vampire mix. A species that is extremely rare. And most likely highly sought after if it was ever know to others.

"You have been though a lot in your short but valued life. I'm sorry about your mother. I would say I'm sorry you were forced to become part vampire but then you wouldn't be mine." His words are sincere. I understand what he means.

Even though I am what I am I wouldn't trade any of it. "Thank you." My eyes barely reach his, not because I'm shy but because I'm feeling weak.

"Do you need to feed? We can take a break. My story is some what longer than yours." He half smiles.

I leave Marcel in the gym to refill on some energy. It's like my vampire side has to feed or else I become weak. My wolf can go days without food and I would feel fine.

When I reach the kitchen everyone that is in it stops talking as if they were talking about me. Or maybe they were talking about Marcel. I wasn't paying attention so I didn't hear anything. My chest is aching and my stomach is to busy burning holes inside of me.

"That's not weird at all." I say sarcastically.

"What do you mean?" Rory questions.

"Nothing." I tell him.

I walk around the small crowd to the refrigerator where the blood is being stored. I take out two blood bags and Cam takes one out of my hand.

"You don't need two." He says coldly.

I take the bag back growling at him. "Have you forgotten I'm not the only one who drinks blood here?"

"I'm sure he can get his own blood bags." Cam snaps back.

He tries to take the bag back again but I don't let go this time and the bag burst open. The cold blood landing on Cam's warm skin and most of the floor. Without thinking my fangs pop out from my gums and I go straight for Cam.

I bit into his shoulder but he doesn't push me off like I expect him to. He lets me drink his blood that will ultimately do nothing for me.

"When I said give her rations I didn't mean feed her sometimes." Oliver says.

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