Restraining order

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****Nina's POV****


"Nina you're still grounded but I'm giving you your phone back. I don't want you using social media and I blocked Donald's email everything from contacting you. I'm giving you this incase he comes near you or around you. The school knows he's not to be within 500 feet of you and if he shows up he's arrested."
Sonny said

"Ok dad."
I said

I had a weird and bad feeling

"Do I have to go to school today?"
I said

"Yeah of course, it's going to be ok."
Sonny put his hands on my shoulders

Sonny drove me to school

"I'll be here when schools out, and if you have any problems you or have the school call me."
Sonny said

"Ok dad I love you."
I hugged him

"Aww I love you too."
Sonny said

I went into the school and I don't know how to tell you this but I really just feel nervous and uneasy about everything.

I'm glad to be back at school.
I went to class and sat in my seat

****Sonny's POV****

I drove to precinct
I'm not going to lie I was uneasy feeling myself I know Nina was nervous too.

"Sonny we need to talk."
Amanda approached me with Olivia

I said

We went into Cragen's office
Cragen was with Barba
Amanda shut the door

"Donald has sent some threatening messages regarding the restraining order. The police are trying to find him. In the mean time I'm putting you on desk duty, and I'm going to have someone here with you at all times."
Cragen said

"The last time we did the whole desk duty thing look what happened."
I said

"It's the best option until they find Donald, this place is on secure mode right now, everyone is to be checked before going in and out. I know it's going to be an inconvenience but we have to protect our people."
Cragen said

"Nina is aware that If Donald tries to contact her in anyway that she's to let you know right?"
Barba said

"Yes I told her this morning and I gave her her phone back so she knew."
I said

"Does Donald know where you are living?"
Cragen said

"No and Nina never told him. He does know where she goes to school though."
I said

"Ok I will contact the school and have their security be on guard."
Cragen said

My heart was pounding

"Hey you ok?"
Amanda grabbed my arm

"Yeah I just feel like we are living this all over again."
I said

****Nina's POV****

School was good today, it was weird but good. I seen Noah a few times and we hung-out at lunch with the girls  it surprisingly wasn't weird. Nicole didn't come near me and I didn't go near her. It sucked I couldn't cheer tomorrow but I guess it's been a nice break.

I walked outside to wait on my dad

Noah came up behind me

I said

"I wanted you to know I still love you."
Noah said

"Yeah I still love you."
I smiled

Noah pulled me in for a hug and we held one another

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