Flying to NY

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****Sonny's POV****

We leave for New York Tomorrow and I'm ready and I know Nina is ready.
I'm anxious to see my parents and sister and for her to officially meet them as well. Nina hasn't shared that dream with me yet, we have been spending time with everyone here and getting packed up. She said she has to wait until after we leave here.
I was finishing packing up the rest of everything I would need

I heard Nina say

I looked over to see her standing in the doorway

"What's wrong Hunny?"
I asked

"Do you think we could take a break and go for a drive?"
She asked

I looked at the clock it was 2:00pm.

"Nina I'd love too, but I really need to finish packing. Are you all done packing?"
I asked her

She said

"Is something bothering you?"
I asked

"No I just am trying to process this's hard."
Nina said wiping her eyes

I went over and took her in my arms and hugged her

"It's ok, it's ok."
I said

Nina pulled away from me

"we got to be at the airport at 6 am and our flight leaves at 8am and New York is 3 hours ahead of us, so it'll be a long day, but when we get there and settled I want to hear this dream."
I said

She said smiling

Nina walked out and went back into her room

I went back and finished packing up the rest of my stuff


I was laying on the bed with Amanda spending some time together just talking

"You know it's gonna be hard you being gone this long. But I know it'll be worth it."

Amanda looked up at me from laying on my chest

I said

"You know we could one last go around before you leave tomorrow."
Amanda smiled rubbing my chest

I snickered

Amanda leaned up and laid her lips on mine

We began to kiss passionately And things escalated from there

****Nina's POV****


"Alright passengers we will be coming to a landing, welcome to Manhattan New York City."
The flight attendant said through the intercom

I looked at dad and smiled and he smiled back

We got landed and once we got off the plane we went and got our luggage

"I'm nervous about meeting everyone."
I said

"They'll love you. I promise."
Sonny said

I heard a woman yell

We turned around and seen my Nonno and Nonna and Sonny's sister coming towards us

"Aww hey Ma."
Sonny smiled real big

They all hugged Sonny

"Oh my my beautiful granddaughter."
My Nonna said Putting her hands on my cheeks and instantly pulling me in for a hug

I said hugging her back

We pulled away from one another

"Dominick she really is a spitting image of you."
She said

My Nonno and my aunt Isabella also gave me endless hugs

"I'm so glad you both are here."
My Nonna smiled real big

***((3 days later))***


My dad and I was walking through Central Park, so far everything is going great. My Nonna really knows how to cook, and my aunt is like having an older sister. She likes to spoil me

Dad and I sat on a bench and just admiring everything

"So how do you like New York so far?"
Sonny asked

"So far so good, I like your parents and your sister."
I smiled

"They love you, my mom was just admiring you sleeping the other night and just couldn't believe we didn't know you existed for 12 years."
Sonny said

"I know it's weird even to think Donald wasn't my biological dad after all these years."
I said

"Speaking of-do you want me to tell you about that dream?"
I added

Sonny said

I took a deep breath

I began to tell Sonny of my encounters I had in my dream

"You know mom wiped my tears away, just like you do. She said she already knew you did the same thing."
I felt a few tears fall down my face

Sonny was getting emotional

"I seen my child. She was a girl, and her name is Jessie. She had blue eyes as well. I got to hold her. Donald said he was sorry for how everything went down, it wasn't appropriate it. He asked for me to tell you he was sorry. Joe said he really liked You and He knew he would you would have adopted him if He would have made it, and that meant a lot to him. I seen Mia."
I said

I began to tell him the other details of the dream

We both was crying on this random bench in the park

Sonny pulled me into him and held me and hugged me tight holding me in his arms

"Nina I love you so much."
He choked on his tears

"I love you too dad."
I said

****Sonny's POV****

Nina was sound asleep in her room she has and I was sitting in the living room having a glass of wine, thinking about the dream she had-thinking about everything leading up to this moment

"Dominick what are you doing?"
My mom Serafina said coming out and sitting next to me on the couch

"Just thinking about everything, Nina had a wild dream and she told me about it. Kid has been through hell, I just sometimes can't believe I didn't  know she existed."
I said sipping wine

"Dominick life has an interesting way of bringing us all together, and the moment you met her at that school that day. It was time-it was time for you to be a dad."
Serafina said

"I feel guiltily she went through  all she did and I wasn't There."
I said

"You can't blame yourself Dominick she knows, I know, we all do know you woulda been there."
Serafina said

"She lost a child when she got raped by Alex and she told me about a dream she had, and she said she seen her child. It was a girl and named her Jessie."
I said

"Nina isn't having sex is she?"
Serafina asked

" not at all. She would tell me if she was,  Amanda and Olivia had to help me talk to her about some of that stuff, I highly encouraged her to not have sex until she's married or much older. I practically begged her, she's a good kid. She loves her boyfriend and I know he loves her."
I said

Serafina smiled

"Have you ever thought about moving here to New York?"
Serafina asked

"Nah not really, we both really like California. But i am and we are really enjoying our time here. I think we need to make this a routine to come up at least once a year."
I smiled

A Daughter He didn't know He had *The Sequel* (Sonny Carisi Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now