One Can Always Ruin A Good Thing

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Finally the meeting came to an end I could finally sleep the rest of the day away, but now it was ruined once more by ironwood and his nonsense about loyalty and respect, what he didn't realize was he was in a realm with all the gods and goddesses and his authority wasn't allowed in our presents, he kept speaking to those poor humans like they could do something about me or the others. Boy was he so wrong in so many ways they see me plug my ears and return to my peaceful sleep, and then realized I was vibing still sleeping, she chuckles and was listening to the same thing as she sees me mumble the lyrics in Russian and she got turned on wanting me to sing it for the others Reina sent me the song on purpose, then changed it to one they all vibe to humming and nodding slightly ignoring his little speech scratches my scalp lightly whispering the lyrics out of everyone hearing, but mine which got me hard again.... God damn it I am a mess when it comes to this woman, the others wanted to get pointers on my turn ons and offs, she texted all the girls minus the ops two she would be happy to help with that, they were pretty excited about it but chose to hide it.

Was he this talkative in Atlas if he was I've gotta get him to shut up, they saw my body cover in curses and I was still sleep and the curse I made he was speaking in a different unreadable language which made him stop for a second and start stopping again Athena said "Well at least she got him to shut up that is a language no one should ever speak unless you understand it," my wife chuckles "At least her and miniri know how to speak that language I tried to learn it, but it would be offensive to them," I woke up halfly grabbing Ironwood by the throat squeezing it tightly taking high offense to his words miniri and I had a conversation in said language and placed another curse on him throwing him to his dogs, passing out again.

Was going to see if I was really passed out super fists sat on my back punching me in the back of my head with all her might, I was dead to the world though managed to get on top of her and punch the shit out of her and kick her unconscious body to the dogs, they all watched as I got up and went to my room In her realm and slam the door which they could tell I was calming down my wife showed up going in closing the door behind her, after I calm down she was there with my boner, Coco and big tits professor came knocking and my wife opens the door and moves closing the door they see it sticking up like a board and Coco teased it like the night we met, I knew exactly who it was and she mounts and slides in herself in going in and music that could scare a human played as the sex was mind blowing for the three.

They see I was soft and putting it bad and watching them sleep with satisfied goofy grins on their faces as I went back to sleep again Miniri came peeking through the door as she was singing the song I had sex on as she got to the end I slide out and did the part for her and bowed going back to my room to he and super fists were up seeing me sleepwalking almost making it to my room door til he shot my hand while I was reaching for the knob opening one eye looking at the wound I close my eye walking back towards them not even opening my eyes, but they opened and the voice came back again saying to him "So you think I was bluffing with those curses I guess two of them isn't even for you then," his body was littered with curses that Miniri told them the effects to as they were placed and super fist got the curse of her offsprings she would bare dying before they were at least twenty years old.

They didn't listen to me and I gave them fair warning as we both asked "All we wanted was to sleep, why is it you humans won't even give us that? Is it because of Salem?" He had so much hatred for me as Reina showed them all the Grimm destroyed and leaving and the place being semi rebuilt they didn't know what was going on, but was happy that the attacks had completely stopped and no one else was dead, I finished the curses on both of them. They watched me as I leave once again before saying "Their world is beautiful it would be a shame to destroy it again," with that I close the door to my room going back to sleep not even making it to my bed grunting at least twice before snoring took me away. My wife knew I had gotten no rest and when she heard what I said before coming in she frowned.

She knew they were pissing her off to the point of them all disappearing from that world and she got up leaving my room as I just snored away without a care in the world, she sung something that deepened me into my dreams hoping I would wake up from them, then that one came back when I was first taken from my wife, I woke up looking around she was there sitting there as I said "That damn dream keeps me awake those dragons shouldn't have did this to me," she agreed on that part kissing me with a purr escaping both of us. I was super excited about wanting to sleep again it wasn't much time to sleep.

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