Bad Feelings Come To Light (Beacon Has Fallen)

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Second semester was the best and they were very festive and well I was going my thing being what you call a goddess and Wiess had broken up with Neptune and was always in my room watching me sing and sometimes dance when I felt up to it, the other teams would come by and shoot the shit with me and enjoy my cooking which I hardly wanted to do, shit was just to much work for cleaning the students from other kingdoms came, I was just watching that shit pile in then a couple days when the team battles were over, the general and Wiess older sister showed up wiess drags me and her team leader Ruby Rose to their landing pad I was on my scroll looking at a picture my friend sent me smirking a bit, arriving at the spot Ironwood goes to speak with oz and leaves winter to do what she pleases the three of us were chatting it up with ruby having fun and what not then I got a call answering it "yes?" This is your girlfriend so I have a song for you to sing for me when you get back to the room or right now is fine groaning I ask "What song is it I might sing it right now?" She told me and I sighed putting in a earpiece Glenda was there and so was Oz, Qrow, and Ironwood and I was talking on the phone still then I groaned heading to my room asking "Do I have to do the actual voice to Say So?" She hums as my answer I sung Break My Heart first outside they danced to it they watched all the students dance as I sung and I did a few moves, but that was it.

Qrow was trying to get a hit on me as I sung Escape the Nightmare they saw me dance and dodge his moves, he laughs and dances with me following my footstep and I flex my wings a bit they were just white so I want using my power, Wiess had loved everything about me being her bodyguard, keeping her happy was top priority Neptune was bothering her again I rolled my eyes runway walked towards him, sending him to the sky catching him a few seconds by the belt loop dropping him close to the ground by a few feet a puddle of water came outt an nowhere Miniri came out laughing watch him scream in fear flexing her wings inhaling nodding to Wiess smirking the water disappeared and I came smirking "What you doing here?" She laughs saying as my answer "Sense you can't come back for meetings I decided to have it here and yes Aries has to come," I groan saying "guess we can have it in my room in that forest of trees goddess on nature would love it," Miniri elbowed me chuckling saying lowly "Tag out," I groan "I hate when you do that it's not cool going to bed hard as a rock try it sometime," she nods saying "No I understand very well not fun all by yourself," I nodded getting handed a guitar and she whispered the song and I raise my eyebrows she had hers nodding ready as I started it she sung it and I backed her up and Neptune came trying to attack me, Aries came blocking it not even budging like the brick wall he was laughing patting my back saying "Let's spare like old times Shizuja," I grunt said "No weapons just fists last time you nearly killed me Aries," he nods as we go drop off our weapons in my room he had alot and I just had necessary ones, we came back Miniri clapped saying "Yes been looking forward to the hand to hand rematch she beat him fair and square," she says to Wiess and her sister the important people were watching as our wings went into our backs as tattoos I took off my shirt my bikini bra was on my girlfriend took my shirt kissing my cheek the other goddesses and gods came sitting far away, but not to far they couldn't see we got up going the same bow sliding into our stance in sync he attacked first only for his punch to get caught winking he knew nothing about what would happen next.

They saw he get hit in the chest a few times and him flying into the forest she shrugged saying "He didn't say which one he wanted to fight I heard rematch," I jumped up and down in adult form cracking my knuckles while doing so he came back saying "Your still in top shape hahaha! Let's see if we are equals," they see us continue fighting he never sent me flying but we did have the same bruises and I had scars they never knew were there they saw them all frown but pretend that the scars were nonexistent cheering for each one of us. They stopped because I beat him fair and square, I also knew my limits when it came down to fighting, I grunted and went to my dorm room hiding threw fact that I was about to lose control of my self.

No one dared to follow me advising them to stay put my girlfriend was the only one that could go, the headmaster sees the god of war since sitting on the ground saying "Damn still no match for her best strategist we even had and fought with the best of us everyone came back alive, it was scary how accurate she could get understanding various situations while solving other problems," Winter asked "So where did the scars we just noticed come from," miniri sighed "She was strongly against coming here so she had a scruff with the two that sent her here, she has limits to how much good fortune and curses she can give to people, they wanted to see if it could work, basically some Grimm ambushed her but she managed to kill them all then of course she worked in that now abandoned mine that she saved all those funnas and now Grimm dont bother her anymore and would probably help her if she asked," they were shocked at the answer that was provided me and my girlfriend came back and say "I miss the talk about me, dammit you sit there to long Aries you start complaining and being stiff all over, basically my powers can do other things it can serve as healing and a camouflage," a golden normal Phoenix landed on my shoulder adding "The only downside to the healing process is that it transfers to me and it takes a few days or so to heal," they understood why it was limited now they had enjoyed the rest of the festivities with me, but something was very off and very wrong.

The next thing I next Beacon was under attack and I rattled my Grimm sword and the scorpion came with the nevermore helping me out finishing my bow they all watched the two get rid of the group of white fang and rouge atlas military prototypes the scorpion took me to where the fleeing people were and I hop off shooting the beowolves that made their way there looking at the scorpion pointing down and it left the general said "They were right," I said "You cover in fear this all the military has to offer, abandon the people of vale to die now I really see why your gods left me here this Salem has driven you guys in a state of panic to the point of which even my strategies have no use here,"
He growls saying "You have no right to be lecturing me," I shook my head "I have to do everything myself I see then I'm going home," Ruby and the others watched me whistle and the Grimm sword rattle again the Nevermore came giving me a lift down I jumped on it's back and it killed it's own kind with the scorpion protecting the rest of the students and the leader went outside screaming "What is happening?!" I punched him hard enough to send him flying and knock him out seeing Blake and Yang injured I healed their injuries even though they took off my arm I had it blood stitched back together, they looked at me as I turned my back to them "They need you go to them," I left the nevermore took me to the top of that fucking tower that was now broken and dropped me off camouflaging Pyhrra (still cant spell this girl name to save my life) the girl sees me walk up to her, we have a seat and talking things through and she takes me to their leader the Grimm left and the mountain dragon was still sleep they see me shake my head "The things I do for most humans," I leave after saying that, beacon had fallen....

Embrace The Pain of the Deep (broken futa goddess X RWBY fems)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα