So be it

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Winter and the general come to the manner seeing me working on firewalls for all three systems he asked "Why did you kick me out of the system?" The man of the house came out saying "Not just you," he didnt sound to happy about it either. Not like I cared though I saying nothing as their answers Reitsuki was silent as we worked on the finishing touches of the firewalls Miniri comes with Aries saying "Mantle is completely evacuated they didn't even argue reason, but you were right the tower is up and running  we mined all the active dust and even left some for your arrows, and you are almost done and you said it was going to be an all nighter," shrugging it off I just finished by hitting enter in sync and I nod saying "I did not miss pulling all nighter because of stupid shit like this but so be it the dumbest thing they ever did the first time around was send me here to the second generation they fucked up, two you make it to where the bitch cant die, three reincarnations aren't as bad but what do I know I haven't been through that cycle already," Miniri sighed gesturing me to open my mouth and I did she tossed a piece of meat into it saying "Now I see why you stressed out but hey dont go stalking people like you usually do," looking away I keep tabs on my scrolls as she tosses another piece in my mouth I catch it eating in bliss "don't care what your feeding me but it's delicious," nodding away to music now Winter asked me personally "Why did you lock everyone out of the systems," I raise both eyebrows "Its obvious there were to many people in the system as is Watts being one of them so the best way to minimize system failure and hide the communication tower is wipe everyone out of the system and recode it from the ground up with impossible firewalls to crack but it's in my language so you cant really read it I haven't taught you yet," Miniri said "In other words it was to keep everything under control and in order before real shit happened," snapping I nod "Bingo dont know why I was stressing for nothing they dont speak nerd oh and if you see those two fucktards tell them they better stop making everyone angry Shiva has been making your house cold as fuck a couple days if it's not her it's my fire baby and weather change is hard for humans to adjust to you know this," Miniri said "Well maybe if they let you come back to visit and do meeting this wouldn't be happening to them," I nod twice "Understandable what sucks is I cant even go back to my realm it's probably unstable because I haven't been really sleeping that much, I may or may not have been giving a few people curses and good fortune feels so miserable here vale was okay, shit in mysteral was cool cliff side views are nice and the air helps relax my wings a bit," chuckling Aries says "We will have a rematch one day if you dont die on me like last time," I shrug nodding "That's if they decide to change it nap sounds good in my best right now, but I cant go home," Miniri sighed tossing another piece of meat which i blissfully ate.

Miniri and I talked about the past again the three of us laughed Aries said "You had them all scared straight that was classic in that war," I shrug chuckling "I have limits to how much camouflage I can use sense the very last war, kinda had a few injuries, so I put a very painful eternal curse on them hope they dont have boys in their line though it'll be worse on them," Miniri nodded saying "Surprised you put a limit on yourself," I shrug "Had to unless I wanted to have a repeat of the incident during that last war and that is why you have to find that special meat for me gotta give me some credit I'm a big girl," the next thing I knew Shiva, Odin, and my fire baby tackle hugged me in human form letting me up.

They pouted making me chuckle saying "Missed you too ya know, but got a long time before I can come back  and see ya," they pouted even more which made me tackle hug them, they laughed getting up my fire baby had me on his shoulders moving to winter he sniffs her "Smells about right," I chuckle "Stop sniffing Winter she smells like me but not anyways, help me get rid of the Grimm in manle?" They agreed he sat me down they went outside Miniri stands next to me "Fifteen tries but I think seven ten and Odin from thirteen are my favorites," chuckling "Fifteen tries and they all still love me which is strange in someway," I say lowly we laugh a bit Miniri sniffs the air nudging me "Neo is here I smell her," I feel the curses take over and I touch her and I close my eyes "Only time I'm doing this only so i can see where she is illusions and all," opening my eyes again they were like demonic eagle eyes Miniri looked around Ironwood went to talk only to be shut down by Aries "Miniri is using this opportunity to find this person that's been hiding in plain sight another part of her ability, she can help us see through illusions and she needs complete focus if you want to know where a certain person is, these two put together are our tracker and seer," Miniri asks me "Layout and position of maids and butlers in the house?" Slowly turning my head she lightly jabs me in the side as I said "I see her didn't have to jab me geez," she apologized using portal grabbing the green eyed black haired woman who blushes seeing me raising my eyebrows  Miniri pops meat in my mouth and my eyes go back normal blinking a few times they saw the maid snap and the illusion dropped they were shocked, shaking my head lightly rubbing my eyes "Been awhile sense I used that one wasnt fun doing it in large scales," Miniri laughs "So I have a feeling another holy war will break out soon the demon king and angel king have been up to something again," I frowned upon hearing this "Recess I'm tired," Miniri sighed "You gotta unchain those powers again and I know you dont want to but we cant have a repeat or involve humans in our fight," I groan "Fine I can't remember anything but the other me is silent to silent for my comfort," Miniri grew silent "that's not a good sign if thei both grow silent," Aries moves them inside Miniri's house Reitsuki was sitting there watching what was going on my memories flowed back for both of us we were infused to one another looking around "They couldn't let us rest for thirty more years? This world was cursed from the start but there are slithers of hope here there is also a lesson they have yet to learn truth hidden behind lies they didn't tell me before I came here," Miniri scoffs "we have suffered long enough and shall return the favor, the angels have long forgotten about us and demons have forgotten about my demon side welcome back my dear friend," scoffing I go outside Miniri dropped everyone in atlas to her house walking in with neo by the belt loop. Aries looked at Miniri who says "I had nothing to do with that those two still here I have lots of questions how they can shed some light on," she was whistling dropping Neo the angels and demons were there as she groaned "They picked a fine time to come," I came in with my earbuds on and we did the call the gods and goddess came seeing it beginning again groaning I clap "No slacking let's get to work," they gave me my actual bow and arrows, pouting then both pheonixes behind me nodding to music clapping sighing "I never missed this part but let's get to it I'll hang back for a few minutes make sure they are safe man I need my misfortune scythe," Miniri tossed it to me with my other one while a piece of meat flew with I caught all three, moaning in bliss swallowing it she told them a plan that worked saying "Stop it before it happens swift and silently and no half assing I took enough damages last time," they cracked up and I used camouflage to cover their tracks as they got in formation and saw through their illusions at the same time, he kings were looking around they were so silent it was like assassinations were allowed, Ironwood sees me walk towards the door.

Groaning I mumble "Goddammit wars always gave me a hard on more then hot girls ans big softy breasts.... big tits, yup I need to get out of here," I ran out with my bow and arrows attached to me Ironwood was shocked to learn such a discovery a Goddess lived among them and the powers she possesses were like no other, war gave me hard ons out the god forsaken wazoo and I hated it as much I did dying once it was taken care of I took my wife into the pile of dead bodies and laid there for a minute


She crawls on top of me kissing my neck making me groan and grab her beautiful ass, she moans grinding against my clothed crotch, she slides down after kicking some dead bodies out her way pulling my zipper on my pants down slowly, letting my length free from it's prison and through the zipper licking it slowly, pleasure was sent through my body as she placed both my hands on her head and she deep throated my entire length, I moan in pleasure thrusting a little "Oh right there baby that's it," she keeps going the war was over already so it was time for some fun, she got on top of me I hold her hips as she let's me enter she moans loudly going wild riding me but through the pile of dead bodies they heard muffles even though Miniri and her wife were doing the same thing pretty sure we hit heads at some point in pain while getting pleasure then we flipped them over thei wrapped their legs around our thighs doing deep they hit heads, but didn't give a shit screaming in pleasure though it sounded muffled the others went inside and showered while we cam inside our wives.

ends of the SMUT

We came back covered in blood and sweat we were last to shower so we made it to Aries laughs as the two pheonixes stayed they heard singing harmonies in the shower they were excited, our clothes were being washed, and even got help pushing the dead bodies I came out first in my bikini top and briefs scratching my toned abs yawning other hands using the towel to dry my hair, Aries sighed "Bet is a bet," I pumped my fist "This is gonna be rich," I took out my scroll and recorded him doing the most girly poses we all died laughing Ironwood says "How can you gods move on as it never happened? why don't you shed some light on it," we stop laughing and Aries says "We are used to fighting them having fun if your looking for the responsible ones they are in her realm hiding from her," I roll my eyes shrugging.

Embrace The Pain of the Deep (broken futa goddess X RWBY fems)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ