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Derek had called his mom. They would come over in a bit so they could tell them the bad news

Afterwards they could go home and spend the evening in their own bed

"No radiation tomorrow" Meredith nodded

"No. We can do whatever we want" Derek softly rubbed her shoulder

"Awww" She groaned as pain ripped through her abdomen

"Oh Mer-" Derek sighed as he held her close

"I hate this" She sighed

"I know" Derek nodded as a tear slipped down his cheek "I asked mom to bring a warmer jacket"

"Good" Meredith nodded

"Addie and Mark have the girls, they are going to get food" Derek softly told her and just kept holding her until their parents arrived

"Hey guys" Christopher walked in closely followed by Carolyn

"Hi mom, hi dad" Derek said softly

"Hi" Meredith breathed

"Bad news?" Carolyn asked as she could read the expressions of her kids

When Meredith nodded her head Carolyn's heart broke for the two of them

"It's taking over her stomach" Derek sighed

"Completely?" Christopher gasped and grabbed her chart

"Yeah" Meredith started tearing up and wiped them away weakly

"Oh sweetheart" Carolyn started crying as well and embraced Meredith

"But they won't give up fighting yet" Derek was determined

"That's good. You got this Meredith" Christopher rubbed her leg

"I'm so tired" Meredith sighed

"I know baby" Derek kissed her forehead


"Okay, I'll scoop you up, okay?" Derek asked as they reached the house

"I can walk" She sighed

"Let me carry you to the front door" Derek pleaded as she gave in and did so. He gently placed her down once they walked inside. His arm wrapped around her waist for support

"Mommy!" She heard Ava running up to her

"Hey sweetie" Meredith hugged her oldest daughter, trying to not tip over

"Hi daddy" Ava giged

"Hi monkey. Where's Em?" He frowned

"Don't know" She shrugged

"Let's walk you to the couch" Derek helped her over and helped her lay down

"Mommy can I join you?" Ava asked with big eyes

"Of course honey" Meredith smiled "Der, can you go see where Em is?" She asked as she looked around

"Em? Addie? Mark?" Derek walked through the house

"Upstairs!" Addison yelled

"What happened?" Derek gasped as he walked into Emma's bedroom

"She took a fall" Addison sighed "Honey, can I tell daddy why you were so upset?"

Emma nodded softly

"Can you check on Mer?" Derek asked Mark before Addison started explaining

"She was upset because she misses her mommy a bit" Addison started "And she started to run away when I asked her something and she slipped on the stairs"

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