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"She'll definitely want pink, unicorns and ponies" Meredith smiled softly as she was talking to Carolyn. Derek, Mark and Christopher had taken the girls to have some ice cream while Addison, Carolyn and Meredith could discuss some things for Emma's birthday

"Oh and lots of glitter" Addison laughed from her spot next to Meredith on the hospital bed

"But I want it to be for Ava as well. They both had a few rough months" Meredith sighed

"Definitely" Carolyn nodded sadly

"Maybe we should plan a trip as well" Meredith quietly said "Disney won't work but- I know they wanna do something together" She sighed

"I think we can arrange something, yeah" Addison grabbed Meredith's hand and squeezed it "And now time for some hand cream"

Addison grabbed the tube out of her pockets and started massaging Meredith's hand with the cream, making them less dry. Eventually grabbing a lip balm which made Meredith chuckle

"You're insane" Meredith laughed softly

"Your lips will be thankful" Addison winked

"Maybe we can go have some dinner with the girls in that new zoo themed restaurant" Carolyn suggested

"Ava has been talking about it, I bet they would like it" Meredith smiled

"I'll call today, make sure we have a reservation" Carolyn smiled

"Thanks mom" Meredith smiled "Thanks for everything"

"Oh honey, come here" Carolyn wrapped Meredith in her arms and hugged her closely

"You're almost ready to come home again" Addison smiled "We have a few surprises planned" She laughed

"Oh no?" Meredith frowned

"Relax, only good ones" Amelia said from her spot in the doorway

"Amy" Meredith smiled and watched as her sister came to hug her

"Hi Mer. I'm sorry, I had to take over a surgery from Derek" Amelia said as she joined Meredith and Addison onto the bed

"It's getting crowded" Carolyn jokes

"Hmm" Meredith smiled softly and weakly grabbed Amelia's hand to hold it but they got disturbed when Meredith's phone started ringing. Addison quickly handed it to Mer before she picked up

"Mer, thank god! How much more work do you, mom and Addie have?" Derek asked

"I don't really know. Why?" She forced her eyes to stay open as she got tired

"The girls have been throwing a fit. They wanna go back to the hospital" Derek sighed

"Der, that's okay" She breathed softly

"Take a nap, we'll be there in half an hour" He sounded exhausted

"Kay" Meredith breathed and hung up before her eyes closed


"Ava! Emma!" Derek scolded

"What's wrong?" Meredith woke up to her husband losing his patience

"Stop!" Ava screamed 'I hate you"

"Ava Lynn Shepherd!" Carolyn gasped

"What's happening?" Meredith asked as she weakly pushed herself up but wincing in pain as her body protested against the action

"Mommy!" Emma whimpered as she climbed on her mother's bed

"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna wake you-" Derek said as Ava started hitting him

"Ava!" Meredith raised her voice "You can't hit daddy" She said sternly

"No! No no no!" She kept crying

"Der, go get some coffee. Mom, can you stay with him?" Meredith asked softly

"Of course dear. I have my phone with me, call if you need us" Carolyn softly kissed Meredith's forehead

Meredith waited until Derek and Carolyn had left the room. Ava was sitting in the corner of the room while Emma was sobbing in Mer's arms

"Why are you two so angry at daddy?" Meredith asked Ava

"Daddy said we couldn't wake you" Ava whispered

"Daddy's just very worried, that's not a reason to yell like that. It hurts daddy a lot" Meredith tried to explain

"But daddy didn't let us see you!" Emma whined

"Emma, that's not a reason to not listen to daddy. It hurts daddy a lot. A lot of things have been happening while I have been sick. And I'm sorry. Really sorry" Meredith opened her arms and her two kids wrapped their arms around her waist "Daddy's just listening to the doctors, they say I need to rest a lot so I can get better"

"Can we say sorry to daddy?" Ava quietly asked

"I'll text him, ask him to come back" Meredith whispered

"No need to, I just did. He's on his way" Mark softly said as he stood in the doorway, he must have heard the conversation she just had

"Thanks" Meredith smiled softly as Mark walked inside

"Are you okay?" Mark grabbed Meredith's hand

"Yeah" She breathed heavily

"Do you want some more pain meds?" Mark asked as he adjusted the pillow behind her back

"Once Derek's here" She weakly smiled as she was still exhausted after the surgery

"Mer?" Derek walked inside

"I have two girls that would love to talk to you" Meredith softly smiled. Mark rubbed her arm and stood up to get some more pain meds

"Sorry daddy. Really sorry" Emma whispered, her lower lip trembling

"Sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you or hit you" Ava quietly said

"Come here you" He wrapped his around around his three girls and kissed each their foreheads "I love you"

"We're really sorry" Ava sobbed softly

"Oh princess, come here" Derek lifted her in his arms

"Me too!" Emma jumped up and jumped straight into her father's arms, her face still wet from crying

"Come on, let mommy sleep a bit. We can watch a movie" Derek said as Mark walked back into the room and injected the medicine into Meredith's port

"Mommy, can I read you a story?" Ava smiled

"Hmm.. Of course honey" Meredith breathed as Mark tucked her in

Ava quickly grabbed the book and started reading while she was snuggled into Derek's arms

"Close your eyes and rest. We love you so much" Mark kissed Meredith's forehead and held her hand in his

"Mommy loves it when you hold her hand" Emma told her uncle Mark and climbed in his lap

"You know your mommy very well" Mark smiled and wrapped his arms around the small girl

"Because she's my mommy and she's the bestest mommy" She giggled "Like I have the bestest daddy and family" She smiled and rested her head on Mark's chest

"Oh Emmie" He kissed her head "You and Ava are the bestest nieces" He chuckled

"We need a surprise when mommy comes home" Emma muttered as she held tight onto Mark

"We do. You and Ava can help us plan something nice for her"

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