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TW: mention of weight loss, no numbers

"Mer, Bailey's coming over today" Derek told her the next day as they were laying down on the couch

"Why?" Meredith asked but didn't open her eyes

"We were worried about your weight, honey. We need to check you out. I'm sorry" Derek said as she lay in his arms in fetal position, using him as her personal pillow

"I'm fine" She sighed "Don't wanna be separated from the girls" She whispered

"I know honey. Just wait and let Bailey do her job" Derek kissed her lips

"Hmm" Meredith groaned

"Mommy! Daddy!" Emma ran towards them "Look at the picture I drew!" She smiled proudly

"It's beautiful honey" Derek smiled and watched as Meredith slowly opened her eyes and checked it out as well

"It's really pretty, baby" Meredith smiled weakly

"Thank you" Emma smiled "Mommy, you wanna color with me?"

"Honey, not today. Mommy needs lots and lots of rest" Derek softly explained

"Daddy, you wanna color with me? Ava's playing with her dolls" The little girl sighed

"Oh-" Derek was doubting if he should let Meredith by herself or not

"Go" Meredith muttered and closed her eyes

"Are you sure?" Derek frowned

"Of course" Meredith responded without opening her eyes

"Honey why don't we grab your stuff so we can color here" Derek suggested

"Yes!" Emma giggled

Derek and Emma collected the stuff they needed and moved to the coffee table next to Meredith. She had fallen asleep again by the time Derek had moved all Emma's stuff

"Mommy's sleepy again" Emma pointed out

"I know honey" Derek lifted her on his lap as she started coloring

"I wanna make a picture of us" Emma smiled

"Go ahead honey" Derek held his daughter as he looked at Meredith who was asleep on the couch, the pain visible in her face as she slept

"Daddy, I don't like to see mommy in pain" Emma whispered

Of course she had noticed as well. She was so much like her mother

"Oh honey, you don't have to worry about those things" Derek assured her

"But I love mommy" Emma frowned

"I know baby. But I promise me and nana and poppa and so many other people are looking out for mommy so you and Ava don't have to worry about a thing" Derek sternly said

"Do you think mommy likes her stuffy?" She quietly asked

"She loves it. She slept with it last night, she didn't let go of it all through the night" Derek told her

"I'm glad. Stuffies make me feel better as well" Emma told him with a serious face

"They do. Mommy slept really well with her stuffy. Thanks to you and Ava for buying the bunny" Derek kissed the blonde girl's head

"Then I'm happy" Emma smiled

"Of course" Derek sighed and wrapped his arms around his daughter as she kept coloring

"This is you, this is mommy and this are Ava and I" She smiled "And these are Nana and Poppa and uncle Mark and aunt Addie" She smiled

"I see! It's beautiful!" Derek smiled

"Are they here a lot because mommy's sick?" Emma asked

"They were here a lot before as well, don't you remember?" Derek asked

"But then you and mommy joined us a lot more. I wanna go to the zoo with you and mommy as well" Emma whispered

"Soon. I love you sweetie" Derek whispered

"I love you too" Emma said and turned around to hug her father

Derek and Emma were coloring until the doorbell rang

"That will be Dr Bailey, I'll go open the door" Derek told Emma who nodded

Derek walked to the front door and opened it, revealing Bailey who had taken a present with her

"Hi Derek. I brought something for your girls" She smiled

"Thank you so much. Please, come in" Derek let her in and led her towards the living room where Emma was now cuddled into her mother's arms

"I hate to do this but can you wake her?" Bailey asked with an apolitical smile

"Mer?" Derek tried to wake her up "Meredith, Bailey's here"

"Don't want to" She whispered and wrapped her arms tighter around Emma's small body

"Meredith, hi" Bailey tried "Just wanna check on you"

"Five more minutes, please?" Meredith begged

"Do you want some coffee first?" Derek sighed as he looked at Bailey. He couldn't wake up his wife after her begging for 5 more minutes, showing how exhausted she was

"Okay" Bailey gave in as well, she had a hard time seeing her former intern like this


"Okay Meredith, we need to check your weight, do you think you can stand up by yourself?" Bailey asked

Meredith refused to give in and nodded. Derek helped her stand on the scale but when he let go he noticed how unsteady she was. The second Bailey could see her weight he scooped her up and held her in his arms as she shivered

"Let's go back to the couch" Derek kissed her forehead and carried her to the couch where he buried her with blankets

"Where're the girls?" Meredith asked

"They're in their playroom. Ava and Emma just bought a house" He chuckled

"Kay" Meredith nodded

"Here. Emma wants you to have it with you at any time" Derek chuckled and placed the stuffed bunny on her chest

"Silly" Meredkth giggled softly

"Meredith, I'd like to admit you for a couple of days" Bailey sighed

"Please-" Meredith shook her head

"Your weight.. It's too dangerous. Your heart rate is way too slow, your blood pressure's way too low. It's not good, sweetie" Bailey sighed

"Just don't admit me to the hospital. I don't wanna be separated from Derek and the girls" Meredith begged

"Two nights, maybe after that we can try to monitor you closer from here. I also wanna take the opportunity to take some new scans and see if the tumor is shrinking" Bailey smiled softly

"Derek-" Meredith's voice was full of panic

"I can stay with you. The girls can stay with mom and dad-" Derek immediately said

"No, they can't be shipped off to mom and dad because of me. Just- Stay with them, please?" Meredith asked quietly

"Mer-" Derek started protesting

"Please" She sighed

Derek nodded but smiled sadly at Miranda

"When?" Meredith asked

"You can come in tomorrow, a bit before lunchtime. Your girls can stay if they want, just wanna start with some scans first, otherwise I won't take you out of your room" Bailey smiled softly

"Okay" Meredith sighed but closed her eyes as she didn't wanna think about going back to the hospital, she just wants to stay with her family

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