Chapter two, Pass The 1UP!

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Tw: violence, alcohol, swearing, slight nsfw.

Luigi yawned as he walked into his apartment, startled to see Donkey Kong sitting on the couch, watching TV. "DK! You know what i said about letting yourself in!" Luigi said annoyed. Donkey Kong shrugged. Luigi rolled his eyes as he grabbed two beers from the fridge. "I set up a meeting for you and Princess Daisy. Her latest album, 'Meet Me Under The Sun' has gone viral with over 100000 listens in 2 months!" Donkey Kong said excitedly. "I thought it would be fun for you and her to collaborate with your new costar as a bonus announcement!" Luigi rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor in front of Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong threw his phone to the side and pulled Luigi up to sit on his lap. Luigi felt Donkey Kong kissing his neck. "DK.. Mario and peach are coming for dinner we can't..." Luigi sighed out. Donkey Kong sighed and backed away from Luigi. "I'm gonna get changed. Are some of my clothes still in your room?" Luigi nodded. Donkey Kong left the room to get changed and Luigi was left alone.

Later that evening, Luigi was preparing dinner with Donkey Kong. "So why are they coming for dinner?" Donkey Kong asked as he cooked the steak. "The princess wants to talk about new strategies to keep Bowser out in case he ever tries to attack again. It's hard since he's going to be apart of MY music now. He doesn't even have a good voice DK, i don't know why you suggested HIM." Luigi spat out while making salad. Donkey Kong just sighed in return.

Mario and Peach finally arrived at Luigi's home. "welcome Princess, you've met my manager Donkey Kong." Donkey Kong shook the Princess's hand. "He'll be eating with us tonight." Luigi looked at Mario. "hello Mario." Luigi just looked at him. "well Luigi and i took all day preparing this meal! Let's sit down and eat!" Donkey Kong said, trying to move the night along. They all sat down at the table and The Princess started talking about various ways to protect the kingdom from bowser. Luigi didn't care much for the conversation. When they were finished, Luigi practically pushed them out the door. "DK, why don't you go home? I've had a long day and I'm gonna go to bed." Luigi said, yawning and stretching his back. "Alright Luigi. Send me a text when you're ready for your next preformance, I'm planing on setting it up in the dunes." Donkey Kong said, gathering his things. Donkey Kong gave Luigi a quick kiss on the head before leaving.

As soon as Donkey Kong left, Luigi grabbed a beer and started drinking. He turned on his favourite romantic drama, the tales of Kamisato Ayaka. (inside joke). Luigi slowly fell asleep on the couch while watching.

⟟ hope you guys enjoyed this chapter !

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