Small readers update, please read.

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Hey everyone, it's chanlvr. :)

Since the last time I've updated this, a lot of my tastes have changed, my writing style has also changed. 

With that, I've been working on a novel .

I would like to post parts of my first draft here because I'm quite proud of it, but I feel like if I discontinued this book idk, it would be apart of me gone.

I also feel like this story is very splotched and rushed, and I don't wanna half ass anything. 

If it's an option, I could also try re-writing, as I plan to do with my other stories  

Please tell me if any of you are genuinely interested in this story, feel free to dm me some suggestions as well.

Your truly, chan :)


Move out of my way.  (Bowser x Luigi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt