Chapter Twelve, Green and Red Flowers.

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TW: Violence, Cursing, Alcohol. 

Luigi backed away. "Shit shit shit no no no no..." Luigi panicked. Bowser grabbed Luigi's cheeks and pulled him in for another kiss. This time, they both were into it. Luigi pulled himself off of Bowser. "Bowser no i'm.... Fuck it. Bowser I'm gay, and I like you. Me and DK have been in a relationship. But he's not what I want... I want you Bowser!" Luigi looked up at bowser, with pleading eyes. Bowser stared at Luigi in shock. "Okay Luigi." Bowser said, pulling Luigi in for another long passionate kiss. They both pulled away. "Wanna eat lunch now?" Bowser smiled. Luigi nodded. 

"Thanks for having me for lunch Bowser..." Luigi looked up at Bowser and kissed him before running back to his car. "See Ya Bowser!" Luigi said, waving out his window as he backed out of Bowser's driveway. Luigi was smiling the whole way back. Once he got home, his smile was wiped clean. He opened his front door to Donkey Kong watching TV. "Hey DK! I'm home!" Luigi closed the door and locked it behind him. "Hey Luigi." Donkey Kong said, taking another sip of beer. "How was lunch with Bowser?" Donkey Kong said, pulling Luigi onto the couch with him. "Ugh, DK not now please, I'm tired I'm gonna go take a nap." Luigi got off of DK and walked to his room. Once he was in, he closed the door and lied in bed. He started crying. 

Luigi woke up later to Donkey Kong yelling. He stood up and placed his ear against the door. "I can't do this with you anymore! I'm not Dealing with his bullshit okay Mario??" Donkey Kong said. Luigi backed away from the door when he heard footsteps. He raced back to the bed and got how he was before. His heart was racing. "Luigi? Are you awake?" Donkey Kong said, quietly. Luigi didn't respond. Donkey Kong crawled into bed with Luigi and cuddled Luigi. 

The next morning, Luigi woke up before Donkey Kong. He silently climbed out of bed and got out his bag. He packed a few outfits and other stuff. He looked at his apartment, knowing that this might be the last time he was ever there. If Donkey Kong was talking with Mario, he had to leave for a while. He didn't feel safe. He got into his car; he knew where he was gonna go. 


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