Chapter Fifteen, grief.

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TW: Cursing, alcohol. 

Luigi woke up to Bowser shaking him lightly. "Morning Luigi! I was waking you up to see if you wanted to bake cupcakes with me today! It's Jr's birthday and he's still sleeping!" Bowser said, excited. Luigi sat up and yawned. "Yea Bowser, I'll be down in a minute." Luigi smiled. Bowser smiled and rushed back downstairs. Luigi got up and changed his clothes. He quietly closed the bedroom door when he walked downstairs. He saw Bowser in a cute little apron. "Alright, what do I do?" Bowser smiled and handed Luigi an apron. They started making the batter. "Hey, would you taste this and tell me if it's good?" Bowser asked. Luigi turned around and Bowser threw flour on him. Luigi laughed and grabbed the flower and threw it at Bowser. After that, they had a war. Throwing flour and sugar at each other. Eventually, Bowser just pulled Luigi in by his arm, and kissed him. They pulled away and laughed. "Let's get the cupcakes in." Luigi smiled and put the cupcakes into the oven.

Luigi and Bowser waited for Jr to wake up. Eventually, he finally came into the kitchen. "Woah Cupcakes!!! Did you make these Mr. GreenMan???" Jr said, climbing onto a chair for breakfast. "Yep! Me and your daddy!" Luigi sat at the table as well. "So, DADDY, what's for breakfast?" Luigi asked Bowser. "Ha, just my little man's favorite!" Bowser placed two plates on the table of Pancakes, bacon and toast. Bowser sat on the opposite side of Luigi. (Example: Jr's sitting at the head of the table, and Bowser and Luigi are sitting on the sides.) "MMMMM!!! SO YUMMY PAPA!!!" Jr overexaggerated. Luigi giggled. "I'm gonna go take a nap, I'll see Ya after school lil man!" Luigi said, messing with Jr's hair. Jr giggled as Luigi walked upstairs. "I like him papa!" Luigi heard Jr say. "Me too Jr... Now let's get you to school!" Bowser said, standing up. Luigi had a big smile as he fell asleep. 

Luigi woke up to Jr jumping on the bed and yelling "WAKE UP MR GREENMAN WE HAVE TO PLAY!!!!" Luigi sat up and pulled the blanket away on Jr. "Heyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!" Jr pouted. "You're such a baby Jr!" Luigi hugged Jr. "Hey what's with all the noise you two?" Bowser walked into the room. "Hi papa! Me and Mr. GreenMan were playing!" Jr started jumping on the bed. "Is that right? Cmon, we have to get you ready for bed!" Bowser swooped Jr up. "Go get your PJ's on!" Bowser said to Jr, who was now running down the hallway. Bowser turned back to Luigi and walked towards him. He sat down onto the bed and kissed Luigi. "Thank you for getting along with Jr..." Bowser said, holding Luigi's face. "Alright Lil man I'm Comin to get Ya!" Bowser yelled running down the hallway. Luigi loved the castle. 


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