Chapter five, queen koopa

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Tw: alcohol, cursing, slight nsfw.

Mario scoffed. "Like you clean up anyways." Mario stood up. "You know what Luigi? You always were such a fucking slob." Mario laughed. Luigi just looked at Mario in disgust. "Really Mario? You're free loading off the fucking princess! You don't do anything since Bowser gave up on trying to kidnap the princess! You just sit on your fat ass! No wonder the princess kicked you out." Luigi yelled. Mario laughed. "Really? You really believe that Bowser gave up? He's a terrible person Luigi! He's never gonna stop!" Mario yelled back. "You don't know what the hell you're talking about you lazy mother fucker!!!" Luigi covered his mouth. "How would YOU know, huh Luigi??" Mario crossed his arms. "I.... He... We're friends Mario." Luigi stood up straight. Mario didn't say anything back, just stared at Luigi in disgust. "Goodbye Luigi." Mario got some of his things and left. Luigi sat down on the couch and held his head in his hands.

Luigi turned on the TV and turned on the news. The Queen Koopa interview was on. "So, Queen Koopa, why did you leave Bowser?" The newsman asked. "He's just... Ugh such a slob!" they both chuckled. Luigi rolled his eyes. "So, you don't regret leaving your family?" He asked. "No... They were all annoying!" She smiled and looked at the camera. Luigi turned off the TV and walked to his room to go to bed.

Luigi woke up to pounding on his front door. He got up and answered the door "DK, what do you want?" Luigi asked, annoyed and tired. "it's uh Sunday? you need to be at rehearsal?" Donkey Kong said. "Oh shit!" Luigi scrambled inside to get dressed. Donkey Kong started laughing. "Cmon, I'll drive you!" Donkey Kong said, smiling as Luigi and him walked out of Luigi's apartment. "Okay DK" Luigi smiled.



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