Chapter Seven, Green Lights

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TW: Alcohol, violence, cursing. Please imagine the song switching vocals!

Luigi walked out on stage with Daisy as the music started playing. Daisy started singing as they danced the choreography planned out for them. Once they reached the end of the song, Bowser popped out from under the stage. Everyone started screaming once they saw him. they continued the concert as planned. 

After the concert, Luigi, Bowser, Daisy and Donkey Kong headed over to Luigis apartment for a mini after party. Luigi got out drinks for everyone and himself. They all sat around the TV and played games and watched movies. "I'd consider that concert, successful! Bowser's appearance really drummed up a lot of money!" Donkey Kong laughed and everyone agreed. As they all got drunker, they all passed out on Luigi's couch. 

Luigi woke up before anyone else and woke up Donkey Kong. "Hey, do you wanna go sleep in my bed with me?" Luigi said, almost falling over. Donkey Kong, half asleep nodded and followed Luigi to his bed. Once they were in his room, Luigi locked the door and climbed into bed for Donkey Kong to cuddle him. Donkey Kong was great for cuddling Luigi thought. "DK.. What are we doing? What are we? Are we a couple or not? Or are we just doing this for sex and money..." Luigi teared up. "Luigi, I'm... I'm in love with you.. It's not just about money for me anymore.. Watching you preform makes me so happy.. being with you makes me happy.." Donkey Kong said, holding onto Luigi tight. He could feel Luigi's heartbeat faster. "I..I love you too." Luigi said. 

Luigi woke up to Donkey Kong gone. He walked out to the living room to everyone eating breakfast. and Donkey Kong cleaning up around the house. Luigi sighed as he rubbed his eyes and grabbed a cup of noodles from the cabinet. He heated them up and sat on the couch next to Bowser, Luigi felt his heartbeat fast. "So uh, when are you guys leaving my house?" Luigi looked around. Daisy was already getting ready to go. "Right now! I have a meeting with my manager soon! thanks for having me over my dear Luigi!" Daisy smiled as she walked out the door. "I should probably get going As well, I have to drive Jr to school." Bowser said, standing up and heading to the door. "Alright! See ya Bowser!" Luigi waved goodbye. Donkey Kong sat on the couch next to Luigi, watching TV. Luigi stood up and walked to the kitchen to throw away his cup of noodles. "So, Luigi, can we talk?"



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