Chapter Nine, Mr. Soap

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TW: Alcohol, Violence cursing slight nsfw.

Luigi woke up and struggled to walk to the kitchen. He made himself a cup of noodles and lied on the couch watching his romance drama. Donkey Kong woke up aswell and joined Luigi on the couch. "So i wanted to talk to you yesterday.. and after what happened, I think you should move in with me." Donkey Kong said. "DK... I know we love each other.. Why don't you move here? I just, don't wanna leave this apartment..." Luigi lied his head in Donkey Kong's lap. Donkey Kong blushed "I mean i could.. if you want me to..." Donkey Kong looked down to Luigi and smiled. Luigi laughed a bit at Donkey Kong's cuteness. "Sure DK, i want you to move in with me..." Luigi smiled. Donkey Kong smiled back, and kissed Luigi. Luigi wrapped his arms around Donkey Kong's waist. Putting his face on his stomach. Donkey Kong was muscular but he had a tiny bit of chub on his belly that Luigi thought was cute. Luigi soon fell asleep like that.

Luigi woke up to Donkey Kong shaking lightly. Luigi sat up. "Oh Luigi, sorry did i wake you? I was watching TV and maybe i was laughing a bit." Donkey Kong had a worried look on his face. "Oh no, you're fine DK. I sleep too much anyways." Luigi said, rubbing his eyes. Donkey Kong chuckled. "So i was wondering if i could start moving my stuff in tomorrow?" Donkey Kong asked as he pulled Luigi into his lap, Luigi's head against his Donkey Kong's chest. "Yea sure DK, that'd be great." Luigi smiled. Donkey Kong burried his face in Luigi's hair.

Later on, Donkey Kong and Luigi started preparing dinner together, Don-burry. Donkey Kong had one of Luigi's aprons on. It was green and had his name on it, his pop star name anyway, "1-UP" Luigi thought it was cute on Donkey Kong. It was also too small for him, so it outlined his pex and abs well. That's part of the reason he liked watching Donkey Kong cook, it almost always turned him on. Once Donkey Kong sat down to eat, Luigi was snapped out of his thoughts. They both started eating. Donkey Kong stretched once he was finished. Luigi tried to not pay attention to him, Donkey Kong didn't even bother taking off the apron. He knew it secretly turned Luigi on. Luigi sighed, "I'll wash the dishes DK, so don't worry about it!" Luigi rushed to pick up Donkey Kong's dish along with his own. "Thanks so much Luigi." Donkey Kong smiled at Luigi. Luigi gave a small smile back as he started to wash all the dishes in the sink. Luigi soon felt someone creep up behind him. He looked behind him to see Donkey Kong, lust in his eyes.

Please tell me if there is grammar errors and spelling errors.

Move out of my way.  (Bowser x Luigi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن