Chapter 7

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After cleaning the kitchen up without the boys noticing because they were so determined on not letting me i need to go to the grocery store and get more things for the tower.

I also need to get the kids more blankets because their always fighting over them. So I got ready for the day put my shoes on and grabbed my bag now just going to let the others know. The kids didn't want to go seeing as their playing with Morgan.

I'm happy Lilith is getting along with her. I walked into the living room. "Where you going?" Nat asked me. "Out to the store. I need to run a few errands as well but I'm going to the store to get some things for the Tower and get the kids blankets seeing as their always fighting over them." I told her.

"Ah I see and you don't need to get things for the Tower it's not-Leave her it's her way or no way because she's a helping person who loves to help around and get things. Theirs no point in trying to tell her no." Mom said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you in a bit. The kids are going to be here their with Morgan so if you don't mind keeping an eye on them." I asked her. "Of course go do what you gotta do I'll be here." She said as I smiled. "Perfect." I said kissing her cheek before she walked off.

"Do you mind if I come with?" Steve asked as I smiled at him. "Of course but as long as you don't mind running errands with me-She's takes hours sometimes might i add." Mom said.

"Mom! Not all the time." I told him as he chuckled. "That's fine. I don't mind." He told me. "Can I come along too?" Bucky asked. "Yeah that's fine I don't care. Anyone else want to tag along?" I asked as the others shook their heads

"Perfect let's go then." I told them as I turned around walking to the elevator seeing the kids. "I'll see you munchkins later." I said kissing the top of heads before entering the elevator. "Bye mom." "Bye Eve." "Bye Evie." Lilith, Morgan, and Peter told me as I waved to them as the doors closed.

"You practically adopted Peter by now." Bucky told me as I laughed a bit. "I guess so. It's just a habit I guess. I see a kid and I just love them I guess." I told them as the elevator dinged as we got out.

"Who's car-Mine." I said before Steve can even finish as he gave me a nod. "Alright then." He said as we walked to my car as I pulled my keys out of my bag. "That yours?" He pointed to a Honda as I shook my head and pointed to a Matte Black G-Wagon. "Nice." Bucky told me as I unlocked it and we got in.

"I know I was thinking on giving it to Lilith for her sixteenth birthday." I told them as I started the car then buckled up. "What do you do for work?" Steve asked me as I drove off. "Well I'm a IT worker for the hospitals." I told them.

"Interesting guessing you get the smarts from Tony?" Bucky asked. "Sadly yes I do but it comes in handy very much." I told them as we stopped at a red light.

"How old we're you when you had Lilith." Steve asked me. "Call her Lily and sixteen." I told him. "Young." He said as I nodded my head driving off away from the green light. "Yes I know it was a one night stand. Would I go back in time and not do it no because I love my baby to death. I'd do anything just to make her happy." I told them.

"Your a great mom Eve." Bucky told me. "Thank you it means a lot." I told him. "So enough of me, what do you boys like to do?" I asked. "Well Steve likes to shine his shield everyday." Bucky said. "It's good to keep it shiny." I told him as Steve's cheeks were a tinge red.

"He also sleeps with a bear." Bucky added. "Bucky.!" Steve said. "It's okay to still sleep with a bear. Lily stills does and she's thirteen don't tell her I told you guys." I told them as they laughed a bit.

"I have to stop at work for a quick second if you boys don't mind?" I told them. "Of course not go ahead." They told me. "Thank you." I told them as we pulled up to the hospital.

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