Chapter 14

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How dare he try to tell me practically how to raise my daughter and what's good for her. He wasn't even their for his first kid so what does he know.

I couldn't be at the tower any longer if I did I felt like I was going to explode and yell at someone I don't mean too and I don't want to do that so I left.

I feel like some bitch who kept their child away from their father all this time. I pulled over into a parking lot.


After Eveleigh got done yelling at Tony she left the tower. I think everyone heard her yelling at him. "Maybe I should-Give her some time Pietro she needs time to herself before she comes back to the Tower to talk to Tony or to you." Maria told me.

"She just left obviously upset-I know what my daughter needs Pietro and she needs time to herself right now before she explodes so leave her be." Maria told me more sternly.

"Where'd mom go?" Lilith asked walking over with Peter. "Your mom she had to go do a quick errand real quick. But for now I'm in charge of you little ones." Maria told them.

"Errand? Mom would've told me if she had to run one." Lilith asked suspiciously. "Well see as you two were busy playing with Morgan she left in a hurry now so she didn't have time. Don't worry Lily your mom will come back." Maria told her as she relaxed a bit.

"How long will she be gone?" She asked. "Not sure but she will come back." Maria told her. "Go play for a bit." Maria told her as they walked off.

"Did you know?" I asked Maria who stared at me than shook her head. "No. She didn't tell anyone nor do I think she even knew. She was ashamed of being pregnant at a young age so I don't think she even tried to remember." She told me.

"How can she say she don't regret having her but yet be ashamed?" Wanda said in a very judgy tone. "She don't regret having Lilith but she's ashamed she had her at only sixteen. You'd probably feel the same Wanda if you got pregnant at sixteen." Maria told her.

"Pietro, Eveleigh is a honest person. When she first found out she tried to hide it from me and her mom but she eventually told us and she was so upset don't know if it was from the hormones or if it was just her regular self she was already a month pregnant when she found out but the point is she would've told you.

She felt so guilty for not even knowing who Lilith's father was. Knowing Eveleigh she would've contacted you the moment she found out she wouldn't want Lilith growing up like she did ever. Just give her time she just needs to process everything right now." Maria told me. "Fine." I told her.


After some time i finally decided to go back to the tower. I kept Lilith away from Pietro long enough I can't keep her away from her father. I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted full custody of her.

I wouldn't let it happen but I wouldn't be surprised. I want Lilith to have a relationship with him but I'm not going to force her if she doesn't want to I'm not going to force her too.

I walked out the elevator and was engulfed into a hug. I looked and saw my babies. "Hi babies." I said immediately wrapping my arms around them. "Where'd you'd go. Grandma said you went to go run an errand." Lilith asked me.

"Yes I did luv but I'm back now. I have to go talk to Pietro luvs." I told them. They let than grabbed my hand and followed me into the living room not once letting go of my hand. "So where's Morgan?" I asked them noticing she ain't here with them.

"She left with Pepper." Peter answered as I gave them a nod. "Your back already!" Mom said as I nodded my head. "Yeah I am. Um why don't you two go grab your things while I talk." I told them. They gave me a nod and walked off talking about something I have no clue about.

"Can we talk please?" I asked Pietro gave me a nod. "In private?" "Yeah come on." He said walking off as I quickly followed him. "I didn't know." I told him immediately closing the door as we entered the room.

"If I did I would've told you right away." I told him. "I know your mom told me." He told me as I stared at him. "I'm going to tell Lilith if that's what you might be wondering." I told him as he stayed quiet. "I'll just tell her I hid you from her. That way so she won't hate you. She hates you for not being their for her." I told him.

"Don't do that. I don't want her to hate you." He told me. "I want her to have some sort of bond with you. I'd rather have her hate me than do it to you." I told him. "No your not doing that just tell her the truth. Don't do that you don't want her to hate you and I don't want her to hate you just tell her the truth." Pietro told me as I nodded my head.

"Yeah I'll just tell her the truth than." I told him. "Your a good mom Eve." He told me as I smiled at him. "You'll be a great dad Pietro it's just she's going to be rough at first than once's she warmed up everything should go smoothly." I told him as he gave me a nod.

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