It's Just a Dream

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Chapter 1

I sigh as he stands over there with his friends, smiling and laughing. I want to die. How is he just so perfect?  I smile as I watch the way his lips curve into a smile or shapes to make words. I watch the others who are laughing and smiling around him. He's like a dream out of mine. How can you even exist?

"Earth to Nabi." My friend says, waving a french fry in my face. I blink my eyes. Everyone is talking around me, doing their own thing. Moonbin and his friends are still joking around and laughing and here I am, with my friend eating cold french fries and wishing he'd come over and talk to me. "Hello?" She sing songs as she waves the french fry in my face some more. I snatch the fry out her hand, and she grins. "I don't understand why you put yourself through this torture. Just go up to him and talk to him." I turn to stare at her like she's said something ridiculous.

"You go up there and talk to Jinwoo then." I announce. Her cheeks flush red as she rolls her hazel eyes.

"Fine, you got me, but you should still try to talk to him instead of just staring at him from afar everyday around lunch." I sigh and dump the french fry in a blob of ketchup. She's totally right. All I ever do is stare at him and never get the courage to talk to him. The fear of being rejected is strong. Even if it's just to ask him how his day is going. "Don't you guys have class together next period?" I nod. We do, but I avoid him at all costs.

"It doesn't matter. We never talk in class anyway." I sigh and look down at my school skirt. What is the point? He probably has a hot girlfriend anyway. The bell dings and everyone starts moving around to get to their next class. My friend, whose name is Hannah hugs me as we get ready to part ways.

"Well today, I think things are going to be a bit different. Trust me." I roll my eyes and she grins. "See you after school." She whispers in my ear. I watch as she runs down the hall. Her golden-brown hair waving in the wind. I giggle as I head out of the cafeteria. That girl is always running to get somewhere. I take the long way to creative writing class. Head towards the freshman floor, walk the long hallway to the other side of the stairs and then head to the junior floor. The freshmen are rambunctious as ever. Running around, girls running from the boys who are trying to stick their wet finger in their ear. Guys talking loudly and pointing out girls they think are cute. Girls huddled in corners, gossiping about their crush or the girl they think is a bitch.

I remember freshman year. It was when I first laid eyes on Moonbin.


I was the girl with braces and a lisp. It was my first day in Seoul and I wasn't happy about it. I had to leave my best friend Sana in Busan. I never really understood why my parents wanted to come to the city. It's so congested and loud. I was heading to the office when I bumped into him. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I said, bowing way too hard. The laugh was cute and gentle. Like beach waves hitting the sand. I stand up and that's when I see his face. His face is so smooth. What is his skincare routine? His eyes are crescent like the moon and his smile is HUGE. I feel my cheeks flush.

"No worries. I'm Moonbin by the way." He extends his hand out and I nervously grab it and shake it. I wonder can he feel the sweat accumulating on my hands. He gives a gentle shake and we let go. "Is it your first day here too?" I nod slowly and he smiles again. I can melt into the ground and be perfectly fine. "Mine too. Hopefully I'll see you around?" I nod again and he walks pass me towards his class. I watch as he walks away. He strides away, happy. He seems nice.

Returning back to reality, here I am. In my junior year and he has yet to know my name. Why am I such a loser? I walk into creative writing class and take my usual seat in the back. Girls are swamped around Moonbin. His carefree smile and the way his hair is up and out his face. He's killing me here. Why do you look so good with your hair pushed back? I watch as a girl runs her hand across his shoulders and another girl is giggling to something he says. I want to gag. Why not throw yourself on top of him while you're at it. The bell rings and everyone takes their seat. Some girls are still giggling at something he said.

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