Who To Choose

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Chapter 15

Moonbin's POV

Moonbin, I'm in love with Nabi. Not like, but love. How do I feel about this? Threatened? Scared? Angry? I look at Nabi who can't find the courage to look at me. I turn my attention back to Ren and smile at him. "You love Nabi? Since when?"

"Since you asked her out." He looks down at the table. "You don't deserve her. You're obsessed with her. You're possessive. She can't be herself around you. She was so comfortable around me. She was happy." Rocky stands up but I shake my head. I chuckle to myself.

"You talk so much like you know her. Let's just ask her. I turn my attention to Nabi who won't return my gaze. "Nabi, tell us. Who is it? Me or Ren?"

"I don't know." She says. Her answers surprises me. She doesn't know?  What does that mean? Rocky stands up, bawling his fists. Ren grins.

"She has something there for me. She knows it, just like I know it." I glance at her again. She's chewing on her bottom lip. Say something damnit. She looks at Ren.

"I never considered you more than a friend. I enjoyed your company and you made things okay when Moonbin made me nervous. She glances at me. "It's him I want. It's always gonna be him." I don't know. Is she saying this just to make me feel at ease? I want her honest answer. The bell dings and Rocky runs a hand through his hair.

"Stay away from Nabi." He hisses at him before walking out the cafeteria. I stand up while Nabi sits frozen in her seat. Ren is staring at her and I can't help but wonder what she's thinking about. I love you. I want to hear her say it more than anything right now. She finally stands up and reaches for my hand. I take it, even though the uncertainty is eating away at me.

After creative writing I head to my locker while Nabi goes to hers. Things are weird now. How can I believe her? How can I trust her? Is it really a chance that Ren can come between us? After all we've done. All we've overcome. I want to rip my hair out. I want to punch Ren in his face. I want to scream at Nabi. Rocky approaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I jump a little bit. "Hey, let's walk to my house." I glance at Nabi. Hannah is talking to her. I shake my head.

"I can't. I need to know her answer. I need a solid answer, so I know I'm not wasting my time." Rocky shakes his head, keeping a tight grip on my shoulder.

"I know you have a thousand thoughts running through your head. Talking now is gonna cause a fight and you might say something you'll regret." She turns and looks towards my way. She still can't return my gaze. She walks out the front door without saying anything to me. I want to chase after her but Rocky's right. I need to get my thoughts together before I say anything.

We head to his house where the others are waiting, sitting around the coffee table. I stare at that green carpet. Is he ever gonna get rid of it? I sit on the couch and Eunwoo looks at me. "I was there when he confessed to her." He says. I look at him. "He was saying how he could be better for her than you." I bawl my fists up. I should have walked her home last night. None of this would have even happened. "I threatened him. Told him if he came near her again, I'd beat his ass myself." He looks at the ground. "He said he wasn't gonna give up."

"What did Nabi say?" Eunwoo shrugs.

"I only got there when he said he can treat her better than you and he grabbed her." I rub the sides of my head. "She did tell him to let her go, that's when I attacked him." I sigh. 

"Why did she say she doesn't know though? Is it possible she has feelings for him? Even if they are small." Sanha looks at me. 

"Moonbin, you've been dating Nabi for two months. Do you not know anything about her?" I look at the ground. Do I know anything about her? I don't know her favorite flower. Or what makes her happy. I don't know things she likes. 

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