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Chapter 6

We stand there, kissing. I can't breathe but it's alright because Moonbin is my boyfriend. When he pulls away I'm almost tempted to bring him back to me. He strokes my cheek and I smile. My face feels warm but I don't care. I'm so happy now. "So, we are dating?" I ask. He nods.

"We are dating." He says. I giggle and he chuckles. His hand reaches for mine and I let him take it.

"That was so romantic I almost puked!" Rocky shouts. I jump as Rocky along with the others jump out the bushes.

"Aw, y'all are so cute; spilling your guts to one another." Jinwoo says. Why are they here? Did they set this all up? Is this just another birthday gift? "So y'all are really dating." Moonbin squeezes my hand and I blush.

"Yup." He says.

"Well, we gotta go celebrate." Eunwoo announces. I look at my phone. It's nearly midnight.

"Guys, we have school tomorrow." MJ rolls his eyes.

"Fuck school. Let's go to the bar and have soju!" We all look at him. 

"We can't go to the bar. We are underage. Let's just go to my house. I have soju." Sanha says. We all agree and let Sanha lead the way. Moonbin pulls my hand back a little and I look at him. 

"What's up?" I questioned. 

"I just want to walk with you. Tonight, is perfect; I don't want it to end." I feel my face get warm. I don't want tonight to end either. We stroll slowly behind the others, giggling and whispering to one another. "I'm thinking about dying my hair pink. Do you think I can pull it off?" I nod, giggling. 

"I think you can." He chuckles and Jinwoo glances behind him, gesturing us to hurry up. Moonbin holds my hand a little tighter as we jog up to catch up with the others. 

Sanha's house is HUGE. We approach a long driveway and I stare up at this mansion. It stands tall, hoovering over us. I can only imagine what it looks like inside. We step inside, slipping our shoes off. I look up in the hallway that leads to the living room. I wonder how many rooms is in here. "Make yourselves at home. My parents usually keep the good stuff under the sink." He says as he heads into the kitchen.

"Don't go giving us cleaning supplies." Rocky calls. I sit on the couch and listen to the others as they chat. Everything feels like a dream. I reach to touch my lips and smile. I can still feel it. I can feel him, taste him on my lips. Moonbin hands me a shot glass and Sanha passes the bottle of soju around the room. I pour myself a tall shot and take it in one swig. Eunwoo smiles.

"Okay Nabi." He says.  "I like her. She can hang." He says, throwing a thumb at me. The others laugh. Moonbin sits a bit closer to me. "So, Nabi. You've like Moonbin for three years? When did you know for sure you liked him?" I feel my face getting hot. Moonbin looks at me. He seems curious as well. I need another shot if I'm going to start spilling my guts. I take the soju bottle from Sanha and pour myself another shot. 

"I've liked Monbin since my first day of freshman year. I bumped into him back when I had braces and my lisp was really bad." I look at him. "He seemed friendly to approach and easy to talk to." I pour myself another shot. "His eyes remind of the crescent moon and his skin is so smooth." I smile. "I remember wanting to know his skin routine." My face is hot, but I keep talking. "It was like love at first sight." I whisper. Rocky chokes back a laugh. 

"So, you're in love with Moonbin?" I take another shot, slamming the glass on the table. I giggle. 

"Maybe I am." My face is red, and it feels like room is spinning. Nabi, shut up. I hiccup and go to stand up. "I need to go to the restroom." I stand up and look around. "Where is the bathroom exactly?" Sanha points to a corridor.

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