Happy Feelings

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Chapter 13

Whenever I think of last night, my heart starts doing jumping jacks in my chest. I can't believe that I lost my virginity; even more shocking, to a guy I've loved for three years. My world really is changing, and I like the direction it's going. The snow is making everything around me so beautiful. The wind chill is making it super cold though. It's Thursday. Only a couple of days before the weekend. I wonder what I will have planned for this weekend. Hannah and I have a lot of catching up to do so maybe I'll spend the weekend with her. I walk into the school building and see Moonbin at his locker. He has a cast around his right arm. I gasp. "Oh my god! What happened to you?" He closes his locker and smiles at me.

"Turns out I fractured my arm while trying to escape your room." He says, looking at me. I look at the ground.

"It was a pretty far jump. Maybe I should have tossed you in my closet until mom went to bed." He shakes his head.

"It's alright. I'm alright. Rocky is gonna carry my stuff around since I'm a little broken for a couple of weeks. So almost a month." We head to my locker, and I take my jacket off, stuffing it into my locker.

"What did you tell the others?" I questioned.

"I fell down some stairs." He teases. I pinch his left arm and he winces. "Okay, I told them that I was escaping your room when I fell onto my shoulder." I pull out some books and hold them in my arms. "But I didn't tell them anything else. I promise." He leans into me and kisses my cheek. I smile and he sighs. "I still can't believe I jumped out that window." I laugh as we fall into step with each other.

"Would you rather have gotten caught?" I ask.

"Caught doing what?" Rocky questions. I nearly jump out my skin when he slings his arm over my shoulders.

"Nothing." I say, averting my eyes to the ground. Rocky glances at Moonbin who doesn't say anything. We are quiet for a couple of minutes when Rocky gasps.

"Oh my god. You guys did it." I look at him, shaking my head quickly.

"We didn't do anything." Moonbin gulps.

"Yeah, we didn't do anything." He says. He doesn't sound convincing, and I want to rip my hair out. Out of all people, not Rocky.

"Holy shit, you guys did it. Wow! When? Where? Was it good?" I move out his grip and elbow him hard in his side. He yelps out in pain, dropping Moonbin's books in his arms.

"If you tell a breathing soul. I will kill you." I say through gritted teeth. He looks up, his face red with pain.

"Geez, I didn't know it was a big secret. Did you tell Hannah?" He groans out. I elbow him again and he yells out. "Okay, okay. I won't tell a soul. Now please, stop doing that." My face is red, and I kneel down to pick up the books as Rocky rubs his side. "I'm sorry." He says as I hand him back the books.

"I'm sorry too." I say. He sighs and motions for Moonbin to follow.

"See you at lunch!" He calls. I wave them off and head to science class where Hannah is waiting for me at the table. She's wearing the charm bracelet. I smile as I take a seat next to her.

"Hey Hannah." I says. She smiles at me.

"Hey Nabi. You are glowing. Did something happen?" I shake my head quickly.

"I'm just in a good mood. That's all." She nods and then turns her chair so she's facing me.

"Ever since the dance Jinwoo hasn't talked to me at all. Things are so weird. I want to get things back to normal. I miss him." She looks sad and I put a hand on her thigh.

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