It's Me She Wants, Not You

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Chapter 18

It's March and there are more rainy days then I'd like to admit. Hey! At least the snow has melted and is gone for good. Graduation is right around the corner. It's only a matter of time. Things with Moonbin and I calmed down and we became friends. As for my relationship life....

"Hey!" Ren calls, waving at me. I look behind me and smile, waving at him. He walks over to me and gives me a kiss. He grins as he reaches for my hand. I close my locker. 

"Hey," I say, leaning into him. He smiles. 

"Hey, again." We start laughing as we walk down the hallway. Ren's first class is biology, and we pass it before I head to science class. We stop at his classroom door and smile at each other. I like how we don't have to say anything to one another. We can be in silence, and everything is okay. "I'll see you in math?" I nod and he lets go of my hand and walks into his classroom. I head to class where Hannah is giggling at the door with MJ. 

Oh, Hannah and MJ started dating. Did I forget to mention that? 

"C'mon Hannah, we are going to be late." I say, pulling her by her ponytail. She groans. 

"I'll see you after class!" MJ calls, a smile on his face. I let go of her ponytail and she groans, fixing her hair. 

"How would you like if I did that to you?" She questions. I giggle. 

"You just make it easier for me to grab it. Did you do last night's homework?" 

"Why? You need to copy from me?" I shake my head. If Ren is anything, he's a very diligent student. I glance at her charm bracelet and then mine. I still have the moon there. Sometimes, I do miss him. I wonder does he think of me sometimes too? 

First morning classes drag on forever but finally it's math class and Reb greets me at the door. I smile as we walk in and take our seat next to each other. I like his hair today, frizzy and in his face. He pushes his glasses closer to his face, making it easier to see his gray eyes. We are smiling at each other. "Rooftop lunch?" He suggests. I nod quickly and turn my attention to the front of the room as our teacher walks in. Ren listens attentively to the lecture while I doodle in my notebook. I can't focus today. I just want the day to end. Ren and I are going to a cafe to study and then his house to hang out. He plays a lot of video games, and he wants to teach me how to play. 

During lunch, Ren and I escape to the rooftop. We eat in silence for a couple of minutes. "This is nice. I think we should make this our spot." I look down. This the same place where Moonbin asked me to the dance. I shake my head. 

"Maybe not our spot, but we can definitely eat lunch here." He chuckles. 

"Too many memories?" I nod slowly. It's crazy how well he can read me. "Let's make new memories then." He puts his bento box down and leans over, kissing me slowly. I smile into the kiss as he kisses me faster but gently. He's nothing like Moonbin; who always kissed fast and passionately. We kiss like that for a couple of minutes. When he pulls away, he's smiling. "I want to make new memories with you. Come with me to Shibuya this weekend?" I think of my mother and how I never told her about Ren. What excuse am I going to use? He nudges me as he picks up his bento box. He picks up a piece of chicken teriyaki and pops it into his mouth. "It'll be fun, and you'll get to meet my friends." 

"Let me think about it." I say. He grins and reaches over into my box, grabbing a piece of sushi. I swat his hand away and we both laugh. Being with Ren is so comfortable. It's like he's not just my boyfriend but my best friend too. 

After school we go pick up Futaba. Futaba still hasn't warmed up to me, but she speaks to me when she gets into the car. "Hi Ren. Nabi." I wave and Ren smiles at her through the rearview mirror. "How was school?" He questions. 

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